How to Grow Dazzling Snapdragons (2024)

Snapdragons are very popular short-lived garden perennials that are usually grown as annuals. They are a mainstay of classic flower gardens, with infinite uses, from mixed border gardens to flower boxes to patio containers. The common name derives from the shape of the individual flower heads, which resemble the snout of a dragon, and which even open and close in a snapping motion, as often happens when pollinators open the jaws to reach the pollen.

How to Grow Dazzling Snapdragons (1)

The alternate, lanceolate leaves are arranged in a spiral around the stem. The botanical name, Antirrhinum majus, means "like a snout" and refers to the flower's resemblance to a calf or dragon's nose. Snapdragons rely largely on large bumblebees for pollination, as smaller honeybees are unable to open the flower's "jaws."

Bright snapdragon flowers bloom profusely throughout cool weather in intensely saturated colors (almost every hue) and are real standouts in either the spring or fall garden. The flowers start blooming at the bottom of the stalk and work their way up, making for a long period of bloom. Although snapdragons tend to slow down and stop blooming in heat of mid-summer, if you keep them watered, they will perk up and carry your garden through the fall.

Snapdragons come in many varieties and sizes, from a few inches tall to spires approaching 4 feet. There are tall varieties and dwarf varieties and just about everything in between. Breeders have been playing with snapdragons for years, and now there are even trailing and creeping varieties available. These are great filler plants for containers, baskets, or for planting in garden wall crevices.

From seed germination to flowers can take two to three months, so snapdragons are often started indoors many weeks before the last winter frost.

Common NameSnapdragon, dog's mouth, lion's mouth, toad's mouth
Botanical NameAntirrhinum majus
Plant TypePerennial, annual
Mature Size6–48 in. tall, 6–12 in. wide
Sun ExposureFull, partial
Soil TypeMoist, well-draining
Soil pHAcidic, neutral
Bloom TimeSpring, summer, fall
Flower ColorWhite,yellow,pink,red,orange,purple
Hardiness Zones7–11 (USDA)
Native AreaMediterranean, Europe, Asia

How to Grow Dazzling Snapdragons (2)

How to Grow Dazzling Snapdragons (3)

How to Grow Dazzling Snapdragons (4)

Snapdragon Care

Snapdragons are rather slow-growing when planted from seeds, so they are normally planted from purchased nursery seedlings, which are widely sold in economical six-packs. They can also be grown fairly easily from seeds started indoors weeks before the last winter frost.

Snapdragons do best in rich, well-draining soil in a sunny location, though they will tolerate part shade. Pinching off the stem tips on young plants will make them thicker and bushier, and deadheading the spent flowers will extend the bloom season, often right into the first frost of the late fall or early winter. Snapdragons can repeat bloom throughout the season but they do best in the cool of spring and fall. In cooler climates, they bloom all summer long, and in milder climates, they sometimes bloom throughout the winter.

These short-lived perennials are usually grown as annuals. Even when they do overwinter, snapdragons never seem to bloom as robustly as they did in their first year. However, they should form seed pods in the first year; if you are lucky, they may even self-sow in the garden.


Your snapdragons will bloom most profusely in full sun to partial shade. Once the temperature heats up, they may stop blooming altogether. Planting them in part shade and keeping them well-watered will help them make it through the summer and they will likely bloom again in fall.


Snapdragons like a neutral soil pH between 6.2 and 7.0, rich in nutrients and well-draining. As short-lived plants, they are not heavy feeders, but adding organic matter will help keep them healthy and blooming.


Snapdragons need adequate watering. Keep seedlings moist for the first few weeks. Once established, snapdragon will need approximately 1 inch of water per week in times of no rainfall. Water near the crown of the plant and avoid overhead watering to keep your snapdragon healthy. Once established, let the top inch of soil dry fully before watering.

Temperature and Humidity

Snapdragons are tender perennials that are hardy in USDA zones 7-11. But snapdragons prefer cooler temperatures and are at their best when nighttime temperatures are in the low 40s F and daytime temperatures in the low 70s F.For this reason, they are usually grown as annuals to provide garden color in the cooler months of spring and fall.

Once established in the bed and hardened off, snapdragons can withstand sub-freezing temperatures. If you make sure they stay well-watered during cold spells and add a layer of pine straw mulch, they can last for quite some time and will survive quite low temperatures until the chill has passed.

Seedlings grown indoors need to be hardened off for about 10 days to two weeks before planting in the garden.


Apply fertilizer when the plants first start producing flowers. Use a standard, well-balanced all-purpose fertilizer, such as a 10-10-10 product, at a rate of three pounds for every 100 square feet of the flowerbed. Water well to minimize the risk of nitrogen burns and to help the fertilizer reach the roots.

How to Grow Dazzling Snapdragons (5)

Types of Snapdragon

Snapdragons are usually sold as multi-color blends, but you can sometimes find individual colors in both seeds and seedlings. Named varieties come and go every few years, but some of the more classic series include:

  • Rocket series: This is a very dependable multi-colored series that grows about 2-3 ft. tall. It is a mainstay of the garden center offerings.
  • Madame Butterfly mix: These 24- to 30-inch plants have heavily ruffled flowers in all colors, and are an excellent choice for cut-flower arrangements.
  • Tutti Frutti: This shorter 10- to 12-inch series offers unique speckled and striped flowers.
  • Candy Tops mix: These are short, 6- to 8-inch plants in solid tones of yellow, orange, white, red, and rose. They make excellent edging and bedding plants.
  • Chandelier mix: This is one of the better trailing, draping snapdragons, with flowers that are lilac, pink, or yellow.

Propagating Snapdragons

Snapdragons are fairly inexpensive to purchase as nursery seedlings and easy to grow from seeds, but if you wish you can also propagate them from stem cuttings.

Cut a 2-inch section of stem just below a leaf node on a healthy parent plant. Remove the lower leaves and dip the bottom of the cutting in rooting hormone. Plant the cutting into seed starter mix or potting soil, covering the pot with a plastic bag or dome to keep the cutting humid. When a good root system develops, you can remove the cover and continue growing in a bright window or under artificial lighting. Transplant outside about the time of the last frost in your area.

How Grow Snapdragons from Seed

In milder climates, snapdragons can be winter-sown, simply tossed onto the garden soil in late fall. They can also be direct-sown in the garden a few weeks before the last expected frost. However, snapdragons are relatively slow-growing, so when grown from seeds they are often started indoors six to 12 weeks before the last expected frost.

Use a general seed starting mix or ordinary potting soil, and simply press the seeds onto the surface of the soil. Position the tray under bright lights placed just a few inches above the tray—snapdragon seeds need light to germinate. Keep the light on for a full 16 hours per day, gradually moving it higher as the seedlings grow.

When seedlings have developed about six true leaves (about 3-4 inches tall), pinch off the top of the stem, which will encourage branching and bushiness. Transplant snapdragons outdoors a couple of weeks before your last frost date. Snapdragons can handle a light frost or two.

How to Grow Dazzling Snapdragons (7)


These short-lived perennials are usually grown asannuals. Even when they do overwinter, snapdragons never seem to bloom as robustly as they did in their first year. However, they should form seed pods in the first year; if you are lucky, they may even self-sow in the garden.

Common Pests and Plant Diseases

Rust fungus can be a significant problem with snapdragons. If rust does appear in a planting, it is best to grow snapdragons in another part of the garden the following year. This plant is also susceptible to mold, fungal leaf spots, downy mildew, wilt, and root rots.

Aphids and spider mites are the most common pest problem, which may require the use of pesticides or horticultural oils in severe infestations.

How to Get Snapdragon to Bloom

Snapdragons are known for their colorful blooms. They start blooming in early spring, and keep blooming all season long. They are short-lived perennials that act like annuals, and don't usually flower for more than one season.

The right amount of sunlight is the secret sauce to getting your snapdragons to bloom: from full sun to partial shade, adjusting the amount of sun your plants get is the answer. Deadheading the dying flowers will keep your plant blooming abundantly.

Common Problems With Snapdragon

Snapdragons are a never-go-out-of-style summertime bloom. They're bright and cheery, and memorable additions to the summer months. But sometimes, snapdragons have easy-to-fix problems:

Wilting Leaves, Fewer Flowers

Snapdragons will start to falter if they get too much heat and sunlight. Move them to a cooler, shadier spot, and trim them down to encourage new blooms and less wilting.

Yellow and Brown Flecks on the Leaves

Snapdragons often get a fungal disease called snapdragon rust: yellow flecks are the first sign, and those flecks may get darker and larger, with brown or black centers. To treat snapdragon rust, stop it before it starts. Thin out your plants and let air circulate around them. Also, don't water your snapdragons at night.

Plants Toppling Over

In shady spots, where snapdragons can get particularly leggy, taller varieties may get top-heavy and fall over. The fix is easy: protect plants with supports to keep them standing tall.


  • Are snapdragons easy to care for?

    Yes! Given the right moisture, your snapdragons will thrive.

  • How fast do snapdragons grow?

    Snapdragons are fast growers, and if started with seedlings in the spring will be full-size by mid-summer.

  • How long can snapdragons live?

    Snapdragons, as perennials, have a lifespan of about three years.

The Spruce uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.

  1. Antirrhinummajus. Missouri Botanical Garden.

  2. Snapdragon—Antirrhinum majus. University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources.

How to Grow Dazzling Snapdragons (2024)


How do you grow snapdragons successfully? ›

Snapdragons do best in rich, well-draining soil in a sunny location, though they will tolerate part shade. Pinching off the stem tips on young plants will make them thicker and bushier, and deadheading the spent flowers will extend the bloom season, often right into the first frost of the late fall or early winter.

What month do you plant snapdragons? ›

Plant nameZonePlant seedlings/transplants outdoors (spring/fall)
Snapdragon8aOn/around March 1
Snapdragon8bOn/around March 1
Snapdragon9aSeptember-November; March-April
Snapdragon9bSeptember-November; March-April
14 more rows

How do you get snapdragons to bloom all summer? ›

Your snapdragons will bloom most profusely in full sun to partial shade. Once the temperature heats up, they may stop blooming altogether. Planting them in part shade and keeping them well-watered will help them make it through the summer and they will likely bloom again in fall.

Should you pinch back snapdragons? ›

After the transplants are established and growing, it's important to “pinch back” the plants. To pinch, simply use a clippers to remove the top of the plant, only leaving 2-3 sets of leaves behind. Pinching signals the plant to go into overdrive and send out multiple branches, with multiple blooms.

What is the best fertilizer for snapdragons? ›

That being said, if you'd like to encourage even more bright snapdragon flowers, then you may want to apply a balanced 10-10-10 fertilizer as soon as the flowers start blooming in the spring. Make sure when you grow snapdragon plants to water well after the application of the fertilizer to avoid nitrogen burns.

How often should I water snapdragons? ›

Keep transplants well watered with soil slightly moist until established. Once well rooted and established, snapdragons typically need about an inch of water a week. When weather conditions are dry, give your garden snapdragons a thorough soak about twice a week. Snapdragons can be over-watered or improperly watered.

Do snapdragons grow well in pots? ›

Depending on the variety, snapdragons are well suited to growing in pots. Trailing, compact, and mid-height snapdragon varieties make great additions to container plantings. The tallest snapdragon varieties for cut flowers are not well suited for container plantings.

Will snapdragons come back every year? ›

Do snapdragons come back every year? Snapdragons are short-lived garden plants. They don't return in cool areas where the plants are grown as annuals. Even those grown as perennials in warmer regions don't reliably return, although you might see them for another season.

Should you deadhead snapdragons? ›

Deadheading will help keep your snapdragons blooming throughout the summer. Remove the faded flowers just below the flower stem and above a set of healthy leaves. This will keep the new blooms coming. If the plant becomes leggy (long stems and few leaves) prune back further along the stem.

Do snapdragons prefer sun or shade? ›

Although snapdragons can survive in partial shade, they will grow and bloom best in full sun. Plant in an area that receives at least 6 to 8 hours of daily direct sunlight for best results.

Do snapdragons spread? ›

Snapdragons seed readily, keeping a continuous supply of new flowers. They also cross-pollinate easily so new flowers may not look like the parent flowers. To keep them from spreading, deadhead any spent flowers before they go to seed.

Can snapdragons tolerate high heat? ›

High heat can cause snapdragons to go into survival mode, prioritizing water conservation over flaunting their blooms. The result? Reduced flower longevity and a sparse floral display.

How do you make snapdragon bushier? ›

Harvesting. Your snapdragons will get bigger and bushier, and then will start growing vertically when they form a flower stalk. For a really nice big central flower, you can wait until it forms OR you can pinch initially to get multiple smaller but still very nice side blooms.

How do you keep snapdragons from getting leggy? ›

Cut back the main stem by one-third to half its height for a more compact, robust plant. This is especially crucial if your snapdragons are getting leggy and you want to reign them in.

Do snapdragons like sun or shade? ›

Plant snapdragons in well-draining soil in full sun for the best blooms. Although they can tolerate partial shade, the amount of blooms is reduced. They can also be grown in containers and moved outdoors in the spring.

Do snapdragons come back each year? ›

So will snapdragons come back after winter? Most snapdragons are hardy in USDA Zones 7-11, or more likely 8-11. While they may grow back in spring in warmer regions, they don't seem to bloom with the same vigor as they did in their first year. In colder regions, snapdragons won't survive the winter but may self-seed.

Why are my snapdragons not doing well? ›

Water snapdragons in beds deeply when the top 2 inches (5 cm.) of the soil are dry, snapdragons in pots should be watered daily during hot weather. Downy mildew. If the leaves of your plant are turning yellowish as they wilt and the undersides have a downy or fuzzy covering, they may be infected with downy mildew.


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