You Can Actually Grow Lotus Flowers at Home—Here's How (2024)




Mary Marlowe Leverette

You Can Actually Grow Lotus Flowers at Home—Here's How (1)

Mary Marlowe Leverette

Mary Marlowe Leverette is one of the industry's most highly-regarded housekeeping and fabric care experts, sharing her knowledge on efficient housekeeping, laundry, and textile conservation. She is also a Master Gardener with over 40+ years of experience and 20+ years of writing experience. Mary is also a member of The Spruce Gardening and Plant Care Review Board.

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Updated on 11/15/23

In This Article

Lotus plants are aquatic perennials that often grow in ponds and lakes and can be grown easily in backyard water gardens. While often called water lilies, they are not. Lotus (Nelumbo spp.) leaves and flowers are emergent or rise above the water's surface while water lily(Nymphaea spp.) leaves and flowers, which have a wider range of colors, float on the water's surface.

Lotus plants grow rapidly reaching three to six feet tall and spread through rhizomes rooted in muddy soil. The white, pink, or yellow flowers are large and appear in the summer and autumn. The plants go dormant in the winter and are hardy in USDA zones 4a-10b as long as the water does not freeze solid.

Common NameLotus, Lotus Lily, Sacred Lotus
Botanical NameNelumbo
Plant TypePerennial
Size3 to 6 feet high, 3 to 4 feet wide
Sun ExposureFull sun
Soil TypeClay, silt, loam
Soil pHNeutral
Bloom TimeSummer
Flower ColorPink, white, yellow
Hardiness Areas4a - 10b USDA
Native AreaAsia, North America, South America depending on species

You Can Actually Grow Lotus Flowers at Home—Here's How (2)

Lotus Care

  • Lotus plants require full sun or at least six hours of direct light per day.
  • Lotus grow in water and the soil must be kept wet.
  • Lotus plants are hardy down to zone 4 but a circulating system should be used to prevent the water source from freezing solid.
  • Mature plants growing in containers should be fertilized every 20 days with a complete (20-10-20) water-soluble fertilizer.
  • To prevent excessive spread, plants should be placed in containers with no drainage holes in the water source.

Some lotus cultivars are considered invasive in some areas of the United States.


A lotus requires at least six hours of direct sun each day to produce its beautiful dark green leaves and flowers.


Growth and flowering are best when the plant is placed in a rich fertile soft silt loam or clay soil. A mix of pine bark and topsoil provides a substrate that is a good texture for lotus culture.


Since lotus are aquatic plants, the soil should be wet at all times. Once growth begins in the spring after winter dormancy, don't submerge the new shoots but keep the soil wet. The water should not be allowed to freeze.

Temperature and Humidity

The hardiness of your lotus depends on the cultivar but most lotus thrive in very cold temperatures as long as the soil is kept wet and the water is not allowed to freeze.


If grown in natural ponds and lakes, there is plenty of organic material to feed the plant and keep it healthy. For lotus grown in pots, feed mature plants growing in containers every 20 days with a complete (20-10-20) water-soluble fertilizer.

Types of Lotus Plants

  • American Lotus (Nelumbo lutea): Produces white or yellow flowers up to 10 inches across and is native from Canada to Florida.
  • Sacred or Asian Lotus (Nelumbo nucifera): Originates from tropical Asia but is now foundfrom Iran to northeast Australia and produces large white or pink flowers.All parts are edible and a good source of certain nutrients. The plant has religious significance in some cultures.

There are dozens of cultivars and hybrid lotus (N. lutea x N. nucifera) plants that produce varying shades of pink and yellow blooms including some with double petals.

  • ChongbanBayi Lian: A micro-lotus double-petaled plant with a yellow center and pink-edged petals.
  • Ancient Capitol Red Palace: Large 48-inch stems produce deep red blooms.
  • Green Jade of Qinhuai: Tiny lotus well-suited for growing in a small pot produces blooms with double white petals contrasting witha jade green center.
  • Mrs. Perry D. Slocum: Lotus with double flowers that change from pink to yellow to cream as they age.
  • Missouri: One of the hardiest lotus plants with large pink flowers.
  • Pink Beauty: Produces light pink flowers with dark pink centers.
  • Sunburst: A hardy, yellow-flowering lotus known for fast growth and large size.


Some lotus cultivars are considered invasive in areas of the United States. Consult your local county extension service for more information.

Pruning Lotus Plants

Regularly remove dead leaves and stalks to promote new growth. Most pruning is only needed in the late fall or winter when the plant has finished blooming and goes dormant.

Propagating Lotus Plants

While lotus plants produce seeds, propagating by dividing the rhizomes is much more successful. Division should be done early in the spring while the plant is still dormant or as leaves begin to sprout.

  1. Carefully remove the lotus from the container.
  2. Gently separate the roots into sections each containing at least one rhizome. The rhizomes can be planted directly into a new area of a natural pond or lake or placed in a container.
  3. To plant in a man-made water source, add one inch of moistened soil to a container with no drainage holes.
  4. Place the rhizome in the pot with the growing tip facing up.
  5. Cover the rhizome with three to four more inches of soil until it is halfway covered.
  6. Weigh down the soil with gravel.
  7. Carefully fill the container with water and place it into the water source.
  8. Keep the container close to the surface of the water to promote faster growth.

How to Grow Lotus From Rhizomes

  1. Select a blemish-free, plump rhizome. Look for rhizomes that have not sprouted leaves or flowers.
  2. Fill a large pot with no drainage holes with two to five inches of potting soil depending on the size of the rhizome and the pot.
  3. Wet the soil until it is thoroughly moist.
  4. Place the rhizome in the soil in the center of the pot with the growing tip facing up.
  5. Add enough additional soil to cover about halfway up the rhizome.
  6. Place stones or gravel on top of the soil to hold it in place.
  7. Fill the container with water and make sure the tip of the rhizome is at least two inches below the waterline.
  8. Place in an area with full sun.
  9. If you are growing a tall variety, you may need to add a support cage as the lotus grows to prevent the plant from tipping over.


While lotus plants are hardy to cold temperatures, the water source must not freeze solid. To prevent this, add circulation pumps to the pond or water container. It can also be helpful to place the pots in deeper water that does not freeze. You can also remove pots from the water and keep them in a cool storage area. Check the pots frequently and keep the soil very moist.

Common Pests & Plant Diseases

Lotus plants are susceptible to spider mites, water-lily aphids, snails, and slugs, as well as, fungal diseases. To help control pests, remove dead leaves and debris from the water source and use slug and snail baits. Treat fungal diseases that cause leaf wilting and spotting by using a fungicide to treat the plant.

How to Get a Lotus Plant to Bloom

While the leaves are attractive, the lotus bloom is prized for its beauty and fragrance. If the plant is not blooming, it may not be getting enough sun or it has overgrown its container and needs to be divided when it goes dormant.

Common Problems with Lotus Plants

Lotus plants need full sun to thrive and bloom profusely. While cold hardy, the water source should never freeze solid and the plant should not be allowed to dry out. Plants will not bloom if they become rootbound or overcrowded.


  • Are lotus flowers easy to care for?

    Lotus plants are easy to care for once they are established. The main concerns are allowing the plants to get full sun, keeping the soil wet, and preventing the water source from freezing.

  • How long do lotus flowers last?

    Lotus flowers usually last around three days. Lotus plants are perennials that can last for many years if cared for correctly.

  • Do lotus flowers grow on lily pads?

    No. Lotus flowers grow on stems and have upright leaves that rise above the water line. Water lilies are a different genus that produces leaves and flowers that float on top of the water.

The Spruce uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.

  1. Sacred lotus. Midwest Invasive Species Information Network

  2. American Lotus. University of Florida

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You Can Actually Grow Lotus Flowers at Home—Here's How (2024)


You Can Actually Grow Lotus Flowers at Home—Here's How? ›

Lotus thrive in warm water but need room to grow, so finding the right pot is the key to success. We recommend that the smallest vessel for your lotus be no less than 12” deep and 24” wide. And good soil is essential in making sure your new lotus roots thrive rather than rot!

Is it possible to grow lotus at home? ›

Lotus thrive in warm water but need room to grow, so finding the right pot is the key to success. We recommend that the smallest vessel for your lotus be no less than 12” deep and 24” wide. And good soil is essential in making sure your new lotus roots thrive rather than rot!

Is lotus plant good for home? ›

Placing a lotus plant in the house is thought to bring happiness, prosperity, and alleviate sorrows, especially when positioned at the centre of the house.

Can lotus grow without soil? ›

Lotus seeds can germinate and grow in water without soil, but they will need a substrate, such as clay or pebbles, to anchor their roots. They also require a source of nutrients, which can be provided by fertilizers or by adding fish or other aquatic organisms to the water.

How long does lotus take to grow? ›

The lotus will start to send up leaves after a few days in water above 70 °F (21 °C). It blooms after 3 to 4 weeks in water above 80 °F (27 °C). Check your water temperature every other day. If you live in a cooler climate, you may need a heater for your pond to maintain the appropriate temperature.

What is the difference between a lotus flower and a water lily? ›

Both are pond blooming plants that emerge from rhizomes and share a rich color palette, but there are some easy ways to tell them apart: Water lily flowers and leaves are thick and waxy while the lotus' are thin and papery. A water lily also has a recognizable notch in each leaf.

Can lotus live indoors? ›

Lotus plants come in different varieties, with some preferring tropical climates and others being fine in temperate ones. Some grow very tall, while others are small and are suitable for growing indoors in pots.

Where to place lotus in house? ›

Lotus is known to bring positivity, good luck, and peace. That is because this flower is associated with Lord Vishnu and Goddess Laxmi. The best lotus plant vastu direction is the center of the room but it can be kept in the northeast direction, which is the brain and water direction.

Can lotus be grown in pots? ›

We suggest bowls and pots wider than 40cm with a depth of 20cm for small varieties and 80cm wide with a depth of 30cm for larger varieties. To re-pot your lotus carefully take the plant out of the nursery pot, DON'T disturb the ROOTS. Then place your plant in the middle of your new wide pot or bowl.

What does lotus flower do to the body? ›

Despite the many claims of blue lotus flower's health benefits, there's only limited research on the plant. Historically, it's been used recreationally and medicinally, with most advocates claiming it can improve sleep, reduce anxiety, assist with erectile dysfunction, and act as a natural aphrodisiac ( 1 , 7 ).

Can lotus flowers grow in just water? ›

Taller varieties of lotus can grow in water up to 18 inches or deeper, while dwarf varieties do best in water two to 12 inches deep. In winter, lotuses can be left in the pond so long as the tubers are protected from ice.

Are lotus flowers hard to grow? ›

There are two types of lotus: hardy and tropical. In the Northeast, both grow fine, and both need some winter protection if grown in a pot, as the tubers do not want to freeze. Hardy lotus can be invasive, even in the Northeast, so never dispose of plants in ponds or waterways.

What is the lifespan of a lotus flower? ›

Lifespan: The lotus will probably be the last thing to begin to grow in your pond. Blooms last up to three days. The lotus is a perennial, which means once it has taken hold in your pond, it should bloom for years.

Where do lotus grow best? ›

Lotus will handle some shade, especially in warmer climates, but to grow and bloom their best they prefer full sunlight. The main exception is in hot desert climates, where some shade cloth is desirable. Lotus require temperatures of at least 75 degrees F. for at least three months in summer to do well.

What do lotus flowers symbolize? ›

Because lotuses rise from the mud without stains, they are often viewed as a symbol of purity. Since they return to the murky water each evening and open their blooms at the break of day, lotus flowers are also symbols of strength, resilience, and rebirth.

Can you grow lotus out of water? ›

Do I Need A Pond To Grow Lotus? Most people think they must have a pond to plant a sacred lotus, the truth of the matter, is that you can grow lotus outside the pond, in a flower bed or on your deck or patio! Sacred lotus do not need a pond or moving water to grow and bloom.

What do you need to grow lotus? ›

The soil must be quite rich, i.e. one part loam, one part leaf mold, compost or well-aged manure and one part clay soil. Slow-dissolving fertilizer, such as bone meal, may also be added. A lotus may also be grown in a pot, which should be 60 cm in both height and diameter.


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