The Vegan Guest: How to Feed a Vegan 101 (2024)

What would you do if a vegan guest showed up at your home?

A non-vegan friend sent me this question:
My brother’s girlfriend is going to my parent’s house this weekend for the first time. She is vegan and my mom isn’t sure what to have on hand and what to serve. I was wondering if you had any recipes I could pass along to my mom. She obviously wants to be a good hostess and provide her with food she would like. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you so much!

Your non-vegan friend

Dear Non-vegan Friend,
I think your mom’s vegan guest will appreciate any effort to accommodate her food preferences. With advanced preparation, carnivores and vegans can dine together in harmony.

A quick trip to the grocery to stock a few items is a great start. Look for:

  • Earth Balance butter spread
  • almond, rice or soy milk (original or vanilla is a safe bet)
  • hummus and guacamole
  • chopped veggies and mixed greens
  • fruit
  • mixed nuts
  • squash or sweet potatoes
  • soy, almond or coconut yogurt
  • Amy’s brand soups or burritos (check ingredient list: look for words like Vegan, and ‘contains no milk, egg’.
  • a balsamic or Asian vinaigrette salad dressing
  • cashews for garlic cream sauce or ranch dressing

A quinoa/bean salad is easy and provides plenty of sustenance and protein. A side dish of meat for those who want it can be discreetly prepared on the grill to keep the kitchen pleasant and fresh.

A quinoa/bean salad is easy and provides plenty of sustenance and protein. A side dish of meat for those who want it can be discreetly prepared on the grill to keep the kitchen pleasant and fresh.

The Vegan Guest: How to Feed a Vegan 101 (1)

Grilled, saute or roasted veggies go a long way and can be enjoyed with a great marinade or dipping sauce. Carnivores think of these as a side, so be sure to cook extra so there are plenty. Adding a baked potato to the mix creates a full and balanced meal.

The Vegan Guest: How to Feed a Vegan 101 (2)

Your houseguest would most likely be happy with oatmeal or granola with almond milk and fruit for breakfast, nut butters, hummus, salads with beans, fruits and vegetables, and nuts for lunch, and grilled or sautéed veggies with a whole grain like quinoa are for dinner. You can access lots of amazing recipes for vegans and non-vegans alike at There are many of ways to veganize just about any non-vegan recipe with non dairy milks, egg replacers, and non animal proteins, such as marinated tofu and tempeh, which are all available at a local grocer, such as Kroger. The Pembroke bakery in Fort Wayne offers lots of vegan options as well. Best wises!

The Vegan Guest: How to Feed a Vegan 101 (2024)


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