The Comprehensive Guide to SOCSO Contributions in Malaysia (2024)

September 4, 2024

The Comprehensive Guide to SOCSO Contributions in Malaysia

In Malaysia, the well-being of every employee is not just a matter of personal concern but a national priority. The Social Security Organisation (SOCSO), or Pertubuhan Keselamatan Sosial (PERKESO) as it’s known in Bahasa Malaysia, embodies this commitment. Established to protect employees against the financial repercussions of workplace injuries, occupational diseases, and other unforeseen circ*mstances, SOCSO represents a critical component of the nation’s social safety net. This guide takes an in-depth look at SOCSO, offering detailed insights into its workings, benefits, and the profound impact it has on Malaysia’s workforce.

Understanding SOCSO (PERKESO)

SOCSO operates under the Ministry of Human Resources, guided by the principles set forth in the Employee’s Social Security Act of 1969. Its foundation was laid to ensure that workers in the private sector are provided with financial protection and support in the event of workplace-related injuries or illnesses. Over the years, SOCSO has evolved, expanding its scope to address the changing dynamics of the workforce and the nature of work itself. This evolution reflects Malaysia’s broader economic and social policies aimed at providing a comprehensive safety net for its citizens.

The Role and Purpose of SOCSO

SOCSO’s role extends far beyond simple financial assistance; it is about fostering a secure working environment for Malaysia’s workforce. By offering coverage for workplace injuries, occupational diseases, emergencies, and death, SOCSO ensures that workers and their families are shielded from the economic strains these events can cause. The organisation’s approach is holistic, aiming not just to provide financial support but also to promote preventive measures and rehabilitation services, thereby underscoring the government’s commitment to worker welfare and social security.

Who Is Covered?

SOCSO’s coverage is mandatory for all private sector employees under the age of 60. This inclusivity ensures that a vast majority of the workforce is protected, from office workers to manual labourers. The distinction between different employment types is crucial here. For example, Aisha, who is employed by a tech startup, benefits from SOCSO’s coverage automatically. In contrast, Raj, who runs his own freelance photography business, falls outside the mandatory coverage but can opt into certain SOCSO schemes designed for self-employed individuals. This flexibility allows SOCSO to cater to the diverse Malaysian workforce, ensuring wide-ranging protection.

Payments Subject to SOCSO Contribution

Any remuneration payable in money to an employee is taken as wages for purposes of SOCSO contributions. This includes the following payments:

  1. Salary
  2. Overtime payments
  3. Commission and service charge
  4. Payments for leave; such as annual, sick, maternity, rest day,
  5. public holidays and etc
  6. Allowances such as incentives, shift, food / meal, cost of living, housing and etc

All payments made to an employee paid at an hourly rate, daily rate, weekly rate, piece or task rate is considered as wages. However the following payments are not considered as wages:

  1. Payments by an employer to any statutory fund for employees
  2. Mileage claims
  3. Gratuity payments or payments for dismissal or retrenchments
  4. Annual bonus

Navigating Contribution Rates

The contribution mechanism is ingeniously designed to balance affordability with comprehensive coverage. Contributions are calculated as a percentage of the employee’s monthly earnings, ranging from 0.5% to 3%, and are split between the employer and the employee. This shared responsibility model not only fosters a culture of mutual investment in worker safety but also ensures that the system is sustainably funded. For those earning more than RM3,000 a month, the option to contribute voluntarily allows for greater personal control over social security planning.

Socso Contribution Table

First Category (is only applicable to employees who ages are below 60)

  • Employer contribute 1.75% of the employee’s total salary
  • Employee contribute 0.5% of their monthly total salary
  • Total of amount (contribute from employer and employee) will go towards SOCSO fund
NoMonthly SalaryEmployersEmployeeTotal SOCSO Contribution
1RM0 – RM30.0040 cents10 cents50 cents
2RM30.01 – RM50.0070 cents20 cents90 cents
3RM50.01 – RM70.00RM1.1030 centsRM1.40
4RM70.01 – RM100.00RM1.5040 centsRM1.90
5RM100.01 – RM140.00RM2.1060 centsRM2.70
6RM140.01 – RM200.00RM2.9585 centsRM3.80
7RM200.01 – RM300.00RM4.35RM1.25RM5.60
8RM300.01 – RM400.00RM6.15RM1.75RM7.90
9RM400.01 – RM500.00RM7.85RM2.25RM10.10
10RM500.01 – RM600.00RM9.65RM2.75RM12.40
11RM600.01 – RM700.00RM11.35RM3.25RM14.60
12RM700.01 – RM800.00RM13.15RM3.75RM16.90
13RM800.01 – RM900.00RM14.85RM4.25RM19.10
14RM900.01 – RM1000.00RM16.65RM4.75RM21.40
15RM1000.01 – RM1100.00RM18.35RM5.25RM23.60
16RM1100.01 – RM1200.00RM20.15RM5.75RM25.90
17RM1200.01 – RM1300.00RM21.85RM6.25RM28.10
18RM1300.01 – RM1400.00RM23.65RM6.75RM30.40
19RM1400.01 – RM1500.00RM25.35RM7.25RM32.60
20RM1500.01 – RM1600.00RM27.15RM7.75RM34.90
21RM1600.01 – RM1700.00RM28.85RM8.25RM37.10
22RM1700.01 – RM1800.00RM30.65RM8.75RM39.40
23RM1800.01 – RM1900.00RM32.35RM9.25RM41.60
24RM1900.01 – RM2000.00RM34.15RM9.75RM43.90
25RM2000.01 – RM2100.00RM35.85RM10.25RM46.10
26RM2100.01 – RM2200.00RM37.65RM10.75RM48.40
27RM2200.01 – RM2300.00RM39.35RM11.25RM50.60
28RM2300.01 – RM2400.00RM41.15RM11.75RM52.90
29RM2400.01 – RM2500.00RM42.85RM12.25RM55.10
30RM2500.01 – RM2600.00RM44.65RM12.75RM57.40
31RM2600.01 – RM2700.00RM46.35RM13.25RM59.60
32RM2700.01 – RM2800.00RM48.15RM13.75RM61.90
33RM2800.01 – RM2900.00RM49.85RM14.25RM64.10
34RM2900.01 – RM3000.00RM51.65RM14.75RM66.40
35RM3000.01 – RM3100.00RM53.35RM15.25RM68.60
36RM3100.01 – RM3200.00RM55.15RM15.75RM70.90
37RM3200.01 – RM3300.00RM56.85RM16.25RM73.10
38RM3300.01 – RM3400.00RM58.65RM16.75RM75.40
39RM3400.01 – RM3500.00RM60.35RM17.25RM77.60
40RM3500.01 – RM3600.00RM62.15RM17.75RM79.90
41RM3600.01 – RM3700.00RM63.85RM18.25RM82.10
42RM3700.01 – RM3800.00RM65.65RM18.75RM84.40
43RM3800.01 – RM3900.00RM67.35RM19.25RM86.60
44RM3900.01 – RM4000.00RM69.15RM19.75RM88.90
45RM4000.01 – RM4100.00RM70.85RM20.25RM91.10
46RM4100.01 – RM4200.00RM72.65RM20.75RM93.40
47RM4200.01 – RM4300.00RM74.35RM21.25RM95.60
48RM4300.01 – RM4400.00RM76.15RM21.75RM97.90
49RM4400.01 – RM4500.00RM77.85RM22.25RM100.10
50RM4500.01 – RM4600.00RM79.65RM22.75RM102.40
51RM4600.01 – RM4700.00RM81.35RM23.25RM104.60
52RM4700.01 – RM4800.00RM83.15RM23.75RM106.90
53RM4800.01 – RM4900.00RM84.85RM24.25RM109.10
54RM4900.01 – RM5000.00RM86.65RM24.75RM111.40
55RM5000.01 or aboveRM86.65RM24.75RM111.40

Second Category (is only applicable to employees who ages are above 60, or hired after the ages of 55)

  • Only contributed by employer
  • SOCSO Contribute calculation is based on the rate of 1.25% of employee monthly salary
  • Total amount will go to Employment Injury Scheme under SOCSO
NoMonthly SalarySOCSO Contribution by Employers only
1RM0 – RM30.0030 cents
2RM30.01 – RM50.0050 cents
3RM50.01 – RM70.0080 cents
4RM70.01 – RM100.00RM1.10
5RM100.01 – RM140.00RM1.50
6RM140.01 – RM200.00RM2.10
7RM200.01 – RM300.00RM3.10
8RM300.01 – RM400.00RM4.40
9RM400.01 – RM500.00RM5.60
10RM500.01 – RM600.00RM6.90
11RM600.01 – RM700.00RM8.10
12RM700.01 – RM800.00RM9.40
13RM800.01 – RM900.00RM10.60
14RM900.01 – RM1000.00RM11.90
15RM1000.01 – RM1100.00RM13.10
16RM1100.01 – RM1200.00RM14.40
17RM1200.01 – RM1300.00RM15.60
18RM1300.01 – RM1400.00RM16.90
19RM1400.01 – RM1500.00RM18.10
20RM1500.01 – RM1600.00RM19.40
21RM1600.01 – RM1700.00RM20.60
22RM1700.01 – RM1800.00RM21.90
23RM1800.01 – RM1900.00RM23.10
24RM1900.01 – RM2000.00RM24.40
25RM2000.01 – RM2100.00RM25.60
26RM2100.01 – RM2200.00RM26.90
27RM2200.01 – RM2300.00RM28.10
28RM2300.01 – RM2400.00RM29.40
29RM2400.01 – RM2500.00RM30.60
30RM2500.01 – RM2600.00RM31.90
31RM2600.01 – RM2700.00RM33.10
32RM2700.01 – RM2800.00RM34.40
33RM2800.01 – RM2900.00RM35.60
34RM2900.01 – RM3000.00RM36.90
35RM3000.01 – RM3100.00RM38.10
36RM3100.01 – RM3200.00RM39.40
37RM3200.01 – RM3300.00RM40.60
38RM3300.01 – RM3400.00RM41.90
39RM3400.01 – RM3500.00RM43.10
40RM3500.01 – RM3600.00RM44.40
41RM3600.01 – RM3700.00RM45.60
42RM3700.01 – RM3800.00RM46.90
43RM3800.01 – RM3900.00RM48.10
44RM3900.01 – RM4000.00RM49.40
45RM4000.01 – RM4100.00RM50.60
46RM4100.01 – RM4200.00RM51.90
47RM4200.01 – RM4300.00RM53.10
48RM4300.01 – RM4400.00RM54.40
49RM4400.01 – RM4500.00RM55.60
50RM4500.01 – RM4600.00RM56.90
51RM4600.01 – RM4700.00RM58.10
52RM4700.01 – RM4800.00RM59.40
53RM4800.01 – RM4900.00RM60.60
54RM4900.01 – RM5000.00RM61.90
55RM5000.01 or aboveRM61.90

The Spectrum of Benefits

SOCSO’s benefits are a testament to its role as a cornerstone of social security in Malaysia. From the Employee Injury Scheme, which covers work-related accidents and diseases, to the Invalidity Pension Scheme offering 24-hour protection against severe illnesses and conditions, SOCSO’s range of benefits is comprehensive. The inclusion of Health Check-up Vouchers illustrates SOCSO’s proactive approach to health and prevention. These benefits are not just numbers on paper; they translate to real-world support for individuals like Hafiz, whose recovery from a workplace accident was significantly aided by SOCSO’s interventions, illustrating the tangible difference these benefits make in beneficiaries’ lives.

Streamlining Claims: A User-Friendly Approach

Claiming benefits from SOCSO is designed to be as straightforward as possible, recognising that individuals seeking these benefits are often in challenging circ*mstances. A clear, step-by-step process guides claimants through the necessary documentation and procedures, ensuring that they can access the support they need without undue hassle. This user-friendly approach is part of SOCSO’s commitment to serving Malaysia’s workforce, emphasising accessibility and efficiency in its operations.

Looking Ahead: SOCSO’s Evolving Role

As Malaysia’s economy and job landscape continue to evolve, so too does the role of SOCSO. The organisation’s ongoing adaptation to new types of work, workplace practices, and the broader economic context is crucial for ensuring that all workers remain protected. The future of SOCSO is not just about expanding coverage but also about enhancing the quality and accessibility of its services, reflecting a deep-seated commitment to the well-being of Malaysia’s workforce.

How to Register for SOCSO

Employers can register their company and employees with SOCSO through the following steps:

  1. Online Registration (ASSIST Portal): Employers can register via SOCSO’s ASSIST portal, which allows them to manage employee records, contributions, and other services online.
  2. Manual Registration: Employers may also register by submitting the required forms to the nearest SOCSO office.

For more information, please refer to SOCSO website

In Conclusion: SOCSO’s Enduring Impact

SOCSO embodies Malaysia’s dedication to creating a safe, healthy, and secure working environment for all employees. Through comprehensive coverage, flexible contribution rates, and a wide array of benefits, SOCSO ensures that workers and their families are protected against the financial burdens of workplace accidents and diseases. As we look toward the future, SOCSO’s role as a pillar of Malaysia’s social security system is set to become even more vital, adapting to meet the needs of a changing workforce and continuing to safeguard the well-being of millions of Malaysians.


The Comprehensive Guide to SOCSO Contributions in Malaysia (2024)


How to calculate socso contribution Malaysia? ›

As of 2022, the contribution rates for the scheme are based on an employee' monthly wages. An employee only contributes 0.5% of their monthly salary, whereas an employer contributes 1.25% of the employee's monthly wage. However, SOCSO contribution rates vary for increased monthly wages.

What is the SOCSO rate in Malaysia 2024? ›

SOCSO Contribution Rates 2024

As of 2024, the SOCSO contribution rates are structured as follows: Employee Contribution: Employees contribute 0.5% of their monthly salary. Employer Contribution: Employers contribute 1.75% of the employee's monthly wage​

Do foreigners pay Socso in Malaysia? ›

SOCSO. From 1 July 2024, foreign employees contribute to SOCSO in the same way as Malaysian employees (Employment Injury Scheme and Invalidity Scheme for employees aged below 60, and Employment Injury Scheme only for employees aged 60 and above).

Is Socso contribution compulsory in Malaysia? ›

The employer makes a contribution to EIS only for employees who are not eligible to be covered under the IS, with the amount restricted to a monthly maximum of MYR 61.90. Malaysian employers are required to contribute to SOCSO on a monthly basis for all their employees (including foreign employees).

What is the Socso percentage in EPF Malaysia? ›

Employer's and employee's contribution rate for EPF (as of the year 2021)
Employee's statusEmployer's EPF contribution rateEmployee's EPF contribution rate
Malaysian age 60 and above4%0%
Malaysian below age 6013%9%
Permanent resident below age 6013%9%
Permanent resident age 60 and above6.5%5.5%
3 more rows
Mar 20, 2023

How can I check my Socso? ›

Your SOCSO number is the same as your IC number if you are a Malaysian resident. If you want to confirm your SOCSO number, you can call the agency's hotline at 1-300-22-8000.

What is the basic salary in Malaysia for foreigners 2024? ›

Malaysia's minimum wage of RM1,500 (≈$347 per month) is slightly higher than many of the countries that surround it. Malaysia's closest neighbor, Singapore does not have a national minimum wage. However, with the higher cost of living wages in Singapore are, on average, much higher than those in surrounding countries.

What is the employee contribution for EPF 2024? ›

Know the rates

Here's the breakdown for Malaysian citizens and permanent residents as of June 2024: Employees under 60 years old: Employee: 11% of their monthly salary. Employer: 13% of their monthly salary (if they earn RM5,000 or less) or 12% (if they earn more than RM5,000)

How to calculate EPF contribution? ›

Determine the Total Contributions Made

For example, if an employee earns a basic salary of RM 4,000 per month and the EPF contribution rate is 11%, the employee's contribution to the EPF would be RM 4,000 x 11% = RM 440 per month.

Do expats pay EPF in Malaysia? ›

EPF contributions are not mandatory for foreigners working in Malaysia — but these workers can still opt-in to the EPF, if they prefer. This is because any employer or employee may choose to contribute more than the required minimum rates, which you'll find in the Third Schedule of the Act.

Can foreigners withdraw EPF in Malaysia? ›

EPF members who are not Malaysian citizens are eligible to make a withdrawal request subject to the terms and conditions as determined by EPF.

How do I claim Socso in Malaysia? ›

If the injury is caused by an accident at the workplace, your employer will have to notify SOCSO by filling the Accident Report (Form 21) and Submit A Claim Form (Form 10). You will also need to submit punch card or attendance records, medical certificate and a copy of your identification card to a SOCSO branch.

Can I still contribute to EPF after 60 years old? ›

Under EPF rules, Malaysian and permanent resident employees must contribute, with no minimum age. For Malaysians, employee contributions are payable up to the age of 60 and employer contributions up to the age of 75.

Is cash gift taxable in Malaysia? ›

This is a question we get asked a lot - do I need to pay taxes when I receive a gift? Well, the simple answer is no.

Is pension taxable in Malaysia? ›

Do retirees need to file income tax in Malaysia? Even after retirement, gratuity and pension received by a retiree are also considered taxable income. However, retirees living in Malaysia are not bound to pay income tax on their pension or gratuity payments.

How is EPF contribution calculated in Malaysia? ›

Determine the Total Contributions Made

For example, if an employee earns a basic salary of RM 4,000 per month and the EPF contribution rate is 11%, the employee's contribution to the EPF would be RM 4,000 x 11% = RM 440 per month.

How to calculate monthly salary? ›

Here is the formula for determining your “gross monthly income”: Multiply the hourly amount (for example $14/hr.) by the number of hours worked (40 hrs./week is a full-time schedule) by 52 weeks in a year and then divide that amount by 12. This means your “gross monthly income” is $2426.66/mos.

How to calculate PCB Malaysia? ›

How is PCB calculated? While the formula is complicated it can be simplified as follows: Annual taxable income = previous months taxable income + (recurring current month taxable income + non-recurring current month taxable income) + recurring current month taxable income * number of months remaining in the year.


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Name: Errol Quitzon

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Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.