Sirloin Steak and Red Wine Caramelized Onion Recipe - Home Chef (2024)

Meal Kit

Culinary Collection

with fondue potatoes and Brussels sprouts

Prep & Cook Time:50-60 min.

Difficulty Level:Expert

Spice Level:Not Spicy

Cook Within:6 days

Sirloin Steak and Red Wine Caramelized Onion Recipe - Home Chef (1)

All ingredients are individually packaged, but our central facilityis not certified allergen-free. Furthermore, ingredient contentsmay vary. Please check ingredient packaging forallergens and nutrition facts.If you have serious allergies, please use your best judgment orconsult a health professional to decide if our meals are safe foryou!

A note about serious food allergies

Sirloin Steak and Red Wine Caramelized Onion Recipe - Home Chef (2)

Onions. They're the punchline of a classic Simpsons joke, along with a belt and an old man. They're the toppers of sandwiches and burgers, the basis of many a soup and stew, and you can get them "bloom" style at many a chain restaurant. But some real magic happens when you mix onions with red wine and demi and cook them low and slow. And when you put that magic on a juicy steak… true serendipity.

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  • 12oz.Yukon Potatoes
  • 12oz.Sirloin Steaks
  • 4fl. oz.Cream Sauce Base
  • 8oz.Brussels Sprouts
  • 1Red Onion
  • 2oz.Red Cooking Wine
  • ½oz.Shredded Grand Cru (Gruyere) Cheese
  • 2tsp.Natural Beef Flavor Demi-Glace Concentrate
  • 1tsp.Garlic Pepper
  • 3Thyme Sprigs

Contains: Sulfites

Food intolerance information

Due to our just-in-time sourcing model, we may have to send you asubstitute ingredient. Not to worry! We make sure every ingredientsent to you meets our high quality standards. We’ll keep youinformed should a switch occur, so please check the ingredientlabels in your meal bag.

  • Nutrition(per serving)4PXy5Zqm

  • Calories

  • Carbohydrates

  • Net Carbs

  • Fat

  • Protein

  • Sodium

  • Olive Oil
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Cooking Spray
  • 2Medium Non-Stick Pans
  • 1Baking Sheet
  • 1Mixing Bowl

Before You Cook

To ensure food safety, the FDA recommends the following as minimum internal cooking temperatures:

  • Steak and Pork 145° F (rest cooked meat, 3 minutes) |
  • Seafood 145° F |
  • Chicken 165° F |
  • Ground Beef 160° F |
  • Ground Turkey 165° F |
  • Ground Pork 160° F
  • If using filets mignon, follow same instructions as sirloin in Steps 1 and 4, cooking until filets reach minimum internal temperature, 5-8 minutes per side. Rest, 3 minutes.

  • If using NY strip steak, follow same instructions as sirloin in Steps 1 and 4, cooking until steak reaches minimum internal temperature, 9-11 minutes per side. Rest, 3 minutes. Halve to serve.

  • If using chicken breasts, follow same instructions as sirloin in Steps 1 and 4, cooking until chicken reaches minimum internal temperature, 5-7 minutes per side.

  1. Sirloin Steak and Red Wine Caramelized Onion Recipe - Home Chef (3)

    Prepare the Ingredients

    Trim stems off Brussels sprouts and halve vertically (quarter if larger than a ping-pong ball).

    Cut potatoes into 1/2" wedges.Halve and peel onion. Slice halves into thin strips.Stem and mince thyme.Pat steaks dry, and season both sides with a pinch of salt and pepper.
  2. Sirloin Steak and Red Wine Caramelized Onion Recipe - Home Chef (4)

    Roast the Vegetables

    Place potatoes on one half of prepared baking sheet. Toss with 1 tsp. olive oil, 1/4 tsp. salt, and a pinch of pepper. Spread into a single layer on their side. Roast in hot oven, 5 minutes.

    While potatoes roast, combine Brussels sprouts, 1 tsp. olive oil, garlic pepper, and a pinch of salt in a mixing bowl.After 5 minutes, carefully remove baking sheet from oven. Place Brussels sprouts on empty side and spread into a single layer on their side. Baking sheet will be hot! Use a utensil.Roast in hot oven until tender, 12-15 minutes.While vegetables roast, cook onion.
  3. Sirloin Steak and Red Wine Caramelized Onion Recipe - Home Chef (5)

    Cook the Caramelized Onion

    Place a medium non-stick pan over medium heat and add 2 tsp. olive oil.

    Add onion, red wine, beef demi-glace, thyme, and 1/4 cup water to hot pan. Stir occasionally until browned and liquid is mostly evaporated, 10-13 minutes.Remove from burner. Season with a pinch of salt and pepper.While onion cooks, cook steak.
  4. Sirloin Steak and Red Wine Caramelized Onion Recipe - Home Chef (6)

    Cook the Steak

    Place another medium non-stick pan over medium heat and add 1 tsp. olive oil.

    Add steaks to hot pan and cook until browned and steak reaches desired doneness, or 4-6 minutes per side for medium/medium-well. Steak thickness can vary; if you receive a thinner steak, we recommend checking for doneness sooner.Remove from burner. Rest, 3 minutes. Wipe pan clean and reserve.
  5. Sirloin Steak and Red Wine Caramelized Onion Recipe - Home Chef (7)

    Make Fondue and Finish Dish

    Return pan used to cook steaks to medium heat. Add cream base, half the cheese (remaining is yours to do with as you please), and a pinch of pepper to hot pan.

    Stir occasionally until combined and smooth, 1-2 minutes.Remove from burner.Plate as pictured on front of card, topping steak with caramelized onion and fondue with potatoes. Bon appétit!

Home Chef is a meal kit delivery service - order and receive home food delivery weekly.Choose from 21 fresh recipes featuring steak, chicken, pork, fish, vegetarian options, and beyond to meet your cooking needs each week.

Sirloin Steak and Red Wine Caramelized Onion Recipe - Home Chef (2024)


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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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