Maple Bacon Fudge Recipe (2024)

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Kay I have a well documented love of maple and bacon – a SERIOUSLY obsession I should say! so when Bacon Month rolled around I couldn’t go without creating another maple bacon sweet treat! AND thankfully, I was given some Torani Maple syrup to use! Seriously this fudge recipe couldn’t be easier to make!

Maple Bacon Fudge Recipe (1)

To begin with I use candied bacon – you know I make a batch of this at least once a month! NOW if you prefer the salty sweet you can stick with regular bacon – seriously recipes are made to be personalized! But I have a serious sweet tooth so sweet with salty sweet vs sweet with salty is always my go too!

Maple Bacon Fudge Recipe (2)

AND candied bacon really isn’t hard to make! I love baking bacon – although the flipping and coating DOES take more time I think it’s worth it!

Maple Bacon Fudge Recipe (3)

And there you have it! SUPER simple and delicious! I cut mine at two hours and it was still a little soft, but when I went back 2 hours later (so 4 hours) it was perfect, so I’d wait closer to 4 hours before cutting, but it’s a creamy soft fudge that I will warn you is also very sweet (as fudge should be IMO). All tth kids but princess loved it as much as I did (yup, gone already)

Maple Bacon Fudge Recipe (4)

Maple Bacon Fudge Recipe

a decadent rich maple fudge with bits of bacon mixed in for an over the top deliciousness

4.48 from 23 votes

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Prep Time: 20 minutes minutes

Cook Time: 30 minutes minutes

Chill time: 2 hours hours

Total Time: 2 hours hours 50 minutes minutes

Servings: 30 pieces

Calories: 218kcal

Author: Ashlee Marie


Candied Bacon

  • 1 lbs center cut thick cut bacon
  • 1 C packed light brown sugar
  • 7 Tbsp rice vinegar
  • 5 Tbsp maple syrup


  • 2/3 C Torani Maple Syrup
  • 1 1/3 C granulated sugar
  • 1/2 C evaporated milk
  • 2 Tbsp butter
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 2 C mini marshmallows
  • 8 oz white chocolate


Candied Bacon

  • Preheat the oven to 350

  • Place a cooling rack in side a jelly roll pan (I put a silicone mat underneath to make clean up easier)

  • Then lay out your bacon flat over the top (You can put them super close but NOT overlapping).

  • Place it in the oven for 10 mins, then flip the bacon and cook another 5 mins.

  • While that's cooking mix the brown sugar, maple syrup and rice vinegar.

  • Pull out the bacon and brush the sugar coating onto it, then cook another 5 mins.

  • Every 5 mins flip the bacon and brush on more coating.

  • This took me anywhere from 8-10 flips, its slow coming up to cooked, but then it goes from perfect to burnt fast.

  • It will still be SOFT when it's done, so don't keep cooking until it's crunchy or it will BURN.

  • Go by looks, it will shrink a bit, the red will get dark, the edges will get crunchy.

  • Leave them to cool and they will harden up!

  • Let cool then chop up


  • Line an 8x8 pan or something similar (mine is 6x10)with parchment paper

  • in a saucepan combine sugar, evaporated milk, butter, salt and Torani maple syrup

  • Cook over medium heat, stirring, until the sugar has dissolved

  • Bring to a boil and cook, stirring constantly, until a candy thermometer reads 230 degrees F (sea level - adjust accordingly)

  • Remove from heat and add the chocolate and marshmallows and stir until smooth

  • leaving aside 1/4 C bacon for the top add the rest to the fudge (about 3/4 C) and stir

  • pour into the pan and sprinkle with the remaining bacon

  • Chill until firm 2-4 hours cut and enjoy!


Calories: 218kcal | Carbohydrates: 31g | Protein: 3g | Fat: 10g | Saturated Fat: 4g | Cholesterol: 15mg | Sodium: 143mg | Potassium: 98mg | Fiber: 1g | Sugar: 29g | Vitamin A: 42IU | Vitamin C: 1mg | Calcium: 44mg | Iron: 1mg

Did you make this recipe?Mention @ashleemariecakes or tag #makesomeawesome and I'll share your image in my Instagram stories!

Maple Bacon Fudge Recipe (5)

AND of course I have even more Bacon recipes for you today form the food bloggers doing Bacon month! How mouthwatering do these recipes look? Don’t forget you can go here to see links to ALL the recipes made this month (even the days I’m not participating in!) I already have a few on my “to make” list!

Maple Bacon Fudge Recipe (6)

Maple Bacon Fudge Recipe (7)

Related Posts:

  • Candied Bacon
  • Maple Bacon Cupcakes
  • Maple Bacon Donuts

Maple Bacon Fudge Recipe (11)

About Ashlee

With the right tips and tricks, I believe YOU can make, bake, or create anything. This is what I love to do - make some awesome, teach you how, and give you that boost of culinary confidence you need to rock your own kitchen! Read more...

Maple Bacon Fudge Recipe (12)


Reader Interactions


    Leave a Reply

  1. Natalie J Vandenberghe

    My favorite way to eat bacon is real crisp with maple syrup 😉 I also love BLTs


    • Ashlee

      awwww yeah!

  2. Renee

    Can I replace the Torani Maple Syrup with real Maple Syrup?


    • Ashlee

      I haven’t tried it, but as long as it’s pure maple I think it should work just fine – the thickness and flavor should be similar

  3. Jennifer

    Do you have to use Torani Maple Syrup in this or can you just use whatever maple syrup you have?


    • Ashlee

      I haven’t tried it with real maple syrup (I wouldn’t use like Mrs butterworths or anything “fake”) but I think it should work!

  4. Jennifer

    Can I substitute real maple syrup for the torani maple syrup?


    • Ashlee

      I haven’t tried it but I don’t see why not! as long as it’s real!

  5. Yvonne Harris

    I want to make this for a Fathers day fundraiser – all Dads love bacon anything!! 🙂 I have a fudge recipe that doesn’t require refrigeration that I want want to put your candied bacon bits in. My question is, does the candied bacon require refrigeration? How long after making it does it stay fresh if not refrigerated?
    Thank you in advance 🙂


    • Ashlee Marie

      no candied bacon doesn’t need to be refrigerated.

  6. Shea

    I used apple cider vinegar instead of rice vinegar, and honey cured thick cut bacon to make the candied bacon. Took about 35 min per batch of 8 slices. The 1 lb of bacon did two batches.


    • Ashlee Marie

      nice! i use a big pan so I get all the bacon done in one batch, and yes the constant glazing makes it take longer, but I think it’s worth it.

  7. Penny

    How long will this fudge keep for? Thanks


    • Ashlee Marie

      2-3 weeks in the fridge

  8. Deb

    Maple Bacon Fudge Recipe (13)
    Would have rated 5 stars with the following with a few changes:
    Added: 1/2 tsp. Maple flavoring & 1 extra Tbsp. Butter
    Reduced bacon to 12 oz. regular, not thick cut.
    Candied bacon with 1/2 cup brown sugar & 1/4 cup maple syrup. Not a vinegar fan, so threw out first batch of bacon candy mixture. Even after reducing rice vinegar by 2 Tbsp. Was too strong for us. Turned out perfectly. Entering in a work cook-off. Fingers crossed.


Maple Bacon Fudge Recipe (2024)


What is the secret to good fudge? ›

Tips for Making Fudge
  • Monitor the Temperature with a Candy Thermometer. If you end up with soft fudge that turns into a puddle in your hands or hard fudge that is a bit reminiscent of a crunchy candy, improper temperature is likely to blame. ...
  • Avoid Stirring Once the Mixture Comes to a Simmer. ...
  • Beat Thoroughly.
Mar 8, 2023

Why is my maple fudge grainy? ›

Grainy Fudge

The sugars probably crystallized, a common mistake when making candy like fudge or caramel. If the melting sugar splashes onto the sides of the pan, it turns back into crystals and causes the fudge to seize up. To avoid this issue, swirl the pan instead of stirring it with a spoon.

Why is my maple fudge not thickening? ›

If your fudge fails to harden in the fridge, it means that you probably didn't cook it to the right temperature. Fudge is a candy, and that means it is extremely picky about temperature - fudge must be cooked to precisely 237–239 degrees Fahrenheit so that sugar forms the desired consistency when cooled.

What does cream of tartar do in fudge? ›

Cream of tartar is used in caramel sauces and fudge to help prevent the sugar from crystallizing while cooking. It also prevents cooling sugars from forming brittle crystals, this is why it's the secret ingredient in snickerdoodles!

Is evaporated milk or condensed milk better for fudge? ›

Use Evaporated Milk- Make sure to use evaporated milk and not sweetened condensed milk. If you accidentally use sweetened condensed milk your fudge will be incredibly over the top sweet. Cut up the Butter– Before adding the butter in make sure to cut it into smaller pieces for faster melting.

What is the secret to smooth fudge that is not gritty? ›

Once a seed crystal forms, it grows bigger and bigger as the fudge cools. A lot of big crystals in fudge makes it grainy. By letting the fudge cool without stirring, you avoid creating seed crystals.

What happens if you boil fudge too long? ›

If there is too much evaporation, when the cooking time is too long, there will not be enough water left in the fudge and it will be too hard. Conversely, if the cooking time is too brief and there is not enough evaporation, too much water will remain and the fudge will be too soft.

Does maple fudge go bad? ›

Maple Fudge stores well at room temperature however some people prefer to refrigerate it.

What to do with failed fudge? ›

My advice to you is to just pour it in a jar, call it something else delicious, and pretend you meant for it to be that way. The nice thing about my “failed” fudge is that it tastes absolutely delicious! A spoonful of the delectable treat will make you want for more.

What can I use instead of maple syrup in fudge? ›

Add equal parts sugar and water to a saucepan. Heat over medium and stir, making sure all sugar gets dissolved, then let cool. It's as "simple" as that. In a recipe, use 1 cup simple for every 2/3 cup maple.

Why does my fudge crumble when I cut it? ›

It might be that you haven't dissolved all the sugar before boiling the fudge mixture. It could be that there just wasn't enough fluid or fat to enable the sugar to dissolve or it might even be that the fudge wasn't beaten long enough or hard enough. All of these factors could be the cause of grainy fudge.

How do you make homemade fudge firmer? ›

​Harden the fudge:​ Place your container or tins in the fridge for 2 hours, which is the time it takes for the fudge to set. Once it's hardened, cut the fudge into 12 pieces or remove it from the muffin tins. Store in the fridge or the freezer (if you don't devour it right away).

Why do you add salt to fudge? ›

Salt: While some homemade fudge recipes do not call for salt, I find it essential for balancing out the sweetness of the condensed milk.

What keeps fudge from getting hard? ›

Too cooked

The result is hard and brittle fudge. To save the fudge, put it in a saucepan with 45 to 60 ml (3 or 4 tbsp.) of 35% cream and bring to a boil, stirring until the sugar is completely melted. Then let it boil without stirring until the thermometer reaches 114 to 115 °C (237 to 239 °F).

What makes high quality fudge? ›

You have to control two temperatures to make successful fudge: the cooking temperature AND the temperature at which the mixture cools before stirring to make it crystallize. Confectionery experiments have shown that the ideal cooking temperature for fudge is around 114 to 115 °C (237 to 239 °F).

What gives fudge its firm texture? ›

Cooking. Cooking is necessary to dissolve sugar crystals and to evaporate part of the water in the cream. The length of this step has a direct impact on the firmness of the fudge. As water gradually evaporates, sugar is concentrated and the temperature of the mixture rises above 100°C (212°F).

What would cause fudge not to harden? ›

Homemade Fudge Doesn't Always Set

If your fudge doesn't firm up after a few hours, you either have too high an amount of liquid to sugar, or your mixture hasn't reached the soft-ball stage. Using a candy thermometer can help home cooks avoid this problem.

How to make your fudge soft? ›

One way to do so is to place the fudge in an airtight container with some source of moisture and leave it to absorb overnight. This could be: A bowl of water. A damp paper towel.


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