How to grow hydrangeas (2024)


There are compact varieties for smaller spaces or containers, double-flowered and bi-coloured choices, and varieties that offer a change of colour as the flowers mature. There are even varieties that flower on old and new wood, flowering twice. Some have scented flowers, others have beautiful autumn foliage. This means there's a hydrangea for every garden, whether you're looking for a more traditional style for a cottage garden or shrub border, or a more contemporary or urban look.

Take a look at our comprehensive guide on hydrangea care. Learn more about the different types of hydrangea, where and when to plant hydrangeas and how to care for them.

How to grow hydrangeas

Jump to section:

  • Where to grow hydrangeas
  • How to care for hydrangeas
  • How to prune hydrangeas
  • How to propagate hydrangeas
  • Hydrangea problem-solving
  • Best hydrangeas to grow
  • Advice on buying hydrangeas

More on growing hydrangeas:

  • How to grow climbing hydrangeas
  • Nine white hydrangeas to grow
  • Panicle hydrangeas to grow

Where to plant hydrangeas

How to grow hydrangeas (1)

Hydrangeas do best in moist, well-drained soil and dappled shade – not too sunny and not too shady. Avoid south-facing positions, especially if the soil is very dry. For a very shaded spot, such as a north-facing wall, grow the climbing hydrangea Hydrangea anomala subsp. petiolaris. The young growth is prone to frost damage in spring, so avoid planting in a frost pocket and plant away from strong winds.

Hydrangeas will thrive in most soil types, including alkaline and acidic soil. However, the pH of the soil will change the colour of the flowers of some varieties. Some plants that usually offer pink flowers will appear blue if the soil is acidic.

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When to plant hydrangeas

How to grow hydrangeas (2)

The best time to plant hydrangeas is in spring or autumn, when the soil is warm and moist. Planting in summer is doable, but you'll have to keep an eye on moisture levels in the soil.

How to plant hydrangeas

How to grow hydrangeas (3)

Hydrangeas do best in moist soil, so if your soil is light, bulk it up with moisture-retaining organic matter such as well rotted manure or compost before planting. Water the plant well an hour or so before you plant it. Never plant a hydrangea deeper than it was in its original pot. Water in well. Mulch after planting, ideally with leaf mould; alternatively use well-rotted manure or compost. Keep the plant well watered throughout its first spring and summer.

When planting climbing hydrangeas, train them initially onto galvanised wires. After a season of growth they'll make their own way as they have self-clinging roots.

Watch Monty Don's guide to planting lacecap hydrangeas, in this clip from Gardeners' World:

How to plant hydrangeas

Where to buy hydrangeas online

Hydrangea Care Tips:

  1. Water at a rate of 1 inch per week throughout the growing season.
  2. Water with rainwater to keep hydrangeas blue.
  3. Hydrangeas do best in moist soil and can wilt in hot weather, so keep well-watered during hot spells in summer.
  4. Mulch hydrangeas every year in spring, with leaf mould, well-rotted manure, or compost. They don't need feeding, as this encourages leafy growth at the expense of flowers.
  5. You can change the colour of the flowers on lace cap and mophead hydrangeas and Hydrangea serrata from pink to blue by feeding with a fertiliser low in phosphorous and high in potassium.
  6. You can grow your plant in a pot of peat-free ericaceous compost and water with rainwater to keep the flowers blue.
  7. Changing hydrangea flowers from blue to pink is trickier. You will need to raise the pH by adding dolomitic lime. It's quite common for a plant to produce a few different coloured flowers on one plant in the first year of growth. Few gardeners concern themselves with trying to change the flower colour – but it's interesting to know why plants may vary.

How to prune hydrangeas

How to grow hydrangeas (4)

Hydrangea macrophylla (lacecap and mophead hydrangeas) and Hydrangea serrata:

Prune in mid-spring. They produce their flowers on old wood, so don’t prune them back hard, or this summer’s flowers would be lost. Traditionally, the old flowers are left on over winter as it protects the new growth beneath. Cut back the flower head to just above the top set of plump buds that are forming under the dead flower head. This is where the new flowers will form. If you have an overgrown plant, cut some of the stems off at the base.

Hydrangea paniculata and Hydrangea aborescens:

Cut back in early spring. Pruning is not essential, but left unpruned the plant will get taller with most of the flowers at the top. These two types of hydrangea produce flowers on new wood, which means that you can cut them back harder without losing this year’s flowers. Prune last year’s growth back to a healthy framework that’s between 30cm and 60cm high, depending on how tall you want your plant to be. Prune to just above a pair of healthy buds on each stem.

Hydrangea aspera and Hydrangea quercifolia:

Lightly prune in spring – just remove old or crossing stems and old flower heads.

Climbing hydrangea, Hydrangea petiolaris:

Prune in summer after flowering for best results. Cut back the flowered shoots to a pair of new buds.

Read our full guide on how to prune hydrangeas.

Watch Monty’s tips for pruning different types of hydrangea here:

How to prune hydrangeas

You will need:

A sharp pair of secateurs is the right tool for this task. If you're looking to update your kit, our experts have been busy testing thebest secateurs, so you can buy with confidence.

In a hurry? Here are some of the best buys from this tests:

How to propagate hydrangeas from cuttings

How to grow hydrangeas (5)

Take softwood hydrangea cuttings in spring. In the morning look for young, non-flowering shoots that have three sets of leaves. For best results prepare cutting material straight away. Alternatively, keep them in a plastic bag in a cool shed.

  • Remove the two sets of lower leaves and shorten the stem of the cutting, cutting just below a node.
  • Insert the cuttings into a pot of cutting compost. More than one cutting can be placed in a pot as long as the leaves don’t touch.
  • Water in and cover with a clear plastic bag. Ideally keep them in an unheated greenhouse.
  • Once you see clear signs of growth pot on plants, keeping them in a shady spot.

Growing hydrangeas: problem solving

Hydrangeas are very easy to grow and there are few problems that affect them.

A lack of flowers is likely to be due to pruning at the wrong time of year. Check the type of hydrangea that you have, and follow our pruning advice, above.

Climbing hydrangea not flowering? Discover possible causes in our Quick Tips video:

Why doesn't my climbing hydrangea flower?

Brown or blackened foliage or buds in spring are due to frost damage. Prevention is better than cure – plant your hydrangea in a sheltered spot, leave the faded flowerheads on over winter and prune at the correct time. If your plant has been affected by frost, it's unlikely to have killed the whole plant. Give it time to recover when the weather warms up and only prune out dead or damaged areas in late spring.

Purple leaves can be due to a sudden decrease in temperature in spring or autumn. In spring, the leaves may turn purple if temperatures plummet but should revert to their usual green once the weather has warmed. Late in the season, the leaves of some hydrangeas change colour as the plant begins to go dormant in autumn. Purple leaves can also be a sign of phosphorus deficiency, which is particularly common on plants where the flower colour has been changed. Adjusting the pH or applying a fertiliser high in phosphorus may help.

Hydrangea scale is a sap sucking insect found on hydrangeas. In severe cases it can cause poor growth and leaf loss. You may spot the eggs, covered in a white waxy material, in early summer. The mature scale insects look like brown blobs. If the problem is serious, spray in July with an organic insecticide based on plant oils or fatty acids.

Vine weevils can attack hydrangeas that are growing in pots. You may see chunks bitten out of the leaves, but the main problem takes place beneath the soil, where the c-shaped white grubs eat the roots. This can cause the plant to decline rapidly.

  • How to control vine weevil

Advice for buying hydrangeas

  • Check that hydrangeas grow well in your area before buying – a quick look at local front gardens will give you an idea of soil type and suitability
  • Bear in mind that the flowers of some hydrangeas may change colour once planted in garden soil – consider growing in a pot of ericaceous compost if you're fussy about flower colour
  • Check the eventual height and spread of the hydrangea, and its general growing requirements before buying, to ensure you have the perfect conditions for your hydrangea to thrive

Where to buy hydrangeas online

Nine of the best hydrangeas to grow

Hydrangea macrophylla 'Ayesha'

How to grow hydrangeas (6)

Mopheads are the hydrangeas to grow if you want bold colour. The blooms last for months, finally ageing to muted tones before drying to brown over the winter. Held in small, silvery lavender flowerheads, the florets of Hydrangea macrophylla 'Ayesha' have unusual curled edges.

Height x Spread: 1.2m x 1.2m

Hydrangea macrophylla 'Zebra'

How to grow hydrangeas (7)

Large, white mophead flowers, near-black stems and rich green leaves give this plant a dramatic look.

H x S: 1m x 1m

Hydrangea macrophylla 'Miss Saori'

You'll get two flushes of the double pink and white flowers from this previous Chelsea Plant of the Year winner.

H x S: 1m x 1m

Hydrangea macrophylla 'Veitchii'

How to grow hydrangeas (9)

Lacecap varieties are more delicate than mopheads and are generally very hardy. Hydrangea macrophylla 'Veitchii' is a free-flowering lacecap with large white florets that turn pink with age, set around a mass of small blue flowers.

H x S: 1.5m x 1.5m

Hydrangea macrophylla 'Jogasaki'

How to grow hydrangeas (10)

The ray florets range from palest pink through lilac to icy blue. It offers vibrant autumn leaf colour, too.

H x S: 2m x 2m

Hydrangea serrata 'Bluebird'

How to grow hydrangeas (11)

As well as pink or blue florets around flat clusters of tiny blue flowers, this lacecap hydrangea offers fiery autumn foliage.

H x S: 1.2m x 1.2m

Hydrangea paniculata 'Phantom'

How to grow hydrangeas (12)

Hydrangea paniculata varieties have large, conical flowerheads that start of white or green, then become clear white, then pink or even red. The large flowerheads of Hydrangea paniculata 'Phantom' have yellow-tinged tips.

H x S: 1.5 x 2m

Hydrangea arborescens 'Annabelle'

How to grow hydrangeas (13)

Hydrangea aborescens varieties have huge domed flowerheads in white or pink. Full of impact, the huge white flowerheads of Hydrangea aborescens 'Annabelle' fade to lime green.

H x S: 2.5m x 2.5m (shorter with regular pruning)

Hydrangea quercifolia

How to grow hydrangeas (14)

Hydrangea quercifolia varieties have large, oak-shaped leaves that turn fiery shades in autumn. In addition to large conical heads of double ray florets, the leaves turn fiery shades in autumn.

H x S: 2m x 2.5m

Hydrangea 'Limelight'

How to grow hydrangeas (15)

Limelight hydrangea is an upright shrub with yellow-green leaves, grey-green stems and large green flowers, fading to creamy white before turning pink in autumn.

H x S: 2.5m x 2.5m


Insights, advice, suggestions, feedback and comments from experts

I am an expert and enthusiast assistant. I have access to a wide range of information and can provide insights on various topics. I can help you with information on hydrangeas, their care, types, and propagation. Let's dive into the concepts mentioned in this article.

Types of Hydrangeas:

The article mentions several types of hydrangeas, each with its own unique characteristics. Here are some of the types mentioned:

  1. Hydrangea macrophylla (lacecap and mophead hydrangeas): These hydrangeas produce flowers on old wood, so it's important not to prune them back hard. The old flowers are usually left on over winter to protect the new growth beneath [[1]].

  2. Hydrangea paniculata and Hydrangea aborescens: These types of hydrangeas produce flowers on new wood, which means they can be pruned back harder without losing this year's flowers. Pruning them in early spring by cutting back last year's growth to a healthy framework will help maintain their shape [[1]].

  3. Hydrangea aspera and Hydrangea quercifolia: These hydrangeas require lighter pruning in spring. It is recommended to remove old or crossing stems and old flower heads [[1]].

  4. Climbing hydrangea (Hydrangea petiolaris): Pruning climbing hydrangeas is best done in summer after flowering. Cutting back the flowered shoots to a pair of new buds will promote healthy growth [[1]].

Hydrangea Care:

The article provides some tips on how to care for hydrangeas. Here are a few key points:

  1. Where to plant hydrangeas: Hydrangeas prefer moist, well-drained soil and dappled shade. They do not thrive in south-facing positions, especially if the soil is very dry. For shaded spots, such as north-facing walls, the climbing hydrangea (Hydrangea anomala subsp. petiolaris) is recommended. It's important to avoid planting in frost pockets and strong winds [[2]].

  2. When to plant hydrangeas: The best time to plant hydrangeas is in spring or autumn when the soil is warm and moist. Planting in summer is possible but requires careful monitoring of moisture levels in the soil [[3]].

  3. Watering: Hydrangeas should be watered at a rate of 1 inch per week throughout the growing season. It is recommended to water with rainwater to keep the flowers blue. Hydrangeas do best in moist soil and may wilt in hot weather, so it's important to keep them well-watered during hot spells in summer [[4]].

  4. Mulching: Mulching hydrangeas every year in spring with leaf mould, well-rotted manure, or compost is beneficial. They do not require additional feeding, as this can encourage leafy growth at the expense of flowers [[4]].

Pruning Hydrangeas:

The article provides pruning advice for different types of hydrangeas. Here are the key points:

  1. Hydrangea macrophylla (lacecap and mophead hydrangeas) and Hydrangea serrata: These hydrangeas produce flowers on old wood, so pruning should be done in mid-spring. It is recommended to cut back the flower head to just above the top set of plump buds forming under the dead flower head. Overgrown plants can have some stems cut back at the base [[5]].

  2. Hydrangea paniculata and Hydrangea aborescens: These hydrangeas produce flowers on new wood, so pruning can be done in early spring. It is suggested to prune last year's growth back to a healthy framework that is between 30cm and 60cm high, depending on the desired height of the plant. Prune just above a pair of healthy buds on each stem [[5]].

  3. Hydrangea aspera and Hydrangea quercifolia: Light pruning in spring is recommended for these hydrangeas. Remove old or crossing stems and old flower heads [[5]].

  4. Climbing hydrangea (Hydrangea petiolaris): Pruning should be done in summer after flowering. Cut back the flowered shoots to a pair of new buds [[5]].

Propagating Hydrangeas from Cuttings:

The article mentions how to propagate hydrangeas from cuttings. Here are the key steps:

  1. Take softwood hydrangea cuttings in spring. Look for young, non-flowering shoots in the morning that have three sets of leaves. Prepare the cutting material immediately or keep them in a plastic bag in a cool shed [[6]].

  2. Remove the lower leaves and shorten the stem of the cutting, cutting just below a node [[6]].

  3. Insert the cuttings into a pot of cutting compost. Multiple cuttings can be placed in a pot as long as the leaves don't touch. Water the cuttings and cover them with a clear plastic bag. Ideally, keep them in an unheated greenhouse. Once you see signs of growth, pot the plants and keep them in a shady spot [[6]].

These are the main concepts covered in this article. If you have any specific questions or need further information, feel free to ask!

How to grow hydrangeas (2024)


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