Guide to Lasagna Gardening for Beginners: Pros and Cons (2024)

Home Gardening

By Michelle Marine

on Feb 10, 2024

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Do you want to weed, till, and water your garden? No? Then, lasagna gardening might be for you.

Sound too good to be true? Keep reading and learn about organic gardening using lasagna beds!

Table of Contents

  • Lasagna Gardening – Perfect for Earth Friendly, Lazy Gardeners
  • What is Lasagna Gardening?
  • Pros and Cons of Lasagna Gardening
  • What are Lasagna Gardening Layers?
  • How to Make Lasagna Garden Beds?
  • How Do You Use Lasagna Garden Beds
  • How Long Do Lasagna Garden Beds Last?
  • Do Lasagna Beds Look Messy?

Lasagna Gardening – Perfect for Earth Friendly, Lazy Gardeners

No, we aren’t suggesting growing lasagna in your garden. But I do have a delicious lasagna recipe if you’re looking for one. Wouldn’t it be nice if it would grow in the garden? LOL.

Instead, we’re discussing building raised beds the cheap and easy way using whatever resources you have on hand or can source locally. The no dig method or no till method uses layers of compostable materials to create fertile soil in your vegetable garden.

What is Lasagna Gardening?

The Lasagna Gardening Method is a gardening style that layers organic materials. You do not till or dig the beds. Instead, give the new garden bed time to break down the organic materials into fluffy, rich soil full of nutrients and fewer weeds.

How does Lasagna Gardening Work?

Lasagna gardening is a no-till, no-dig gardening system popularized in the late 1990s by Patricia Lanza. Use common waste materials you may have in abundance around your homestead to create a rich garden.

Lasagna gardening takes just a bit of energy to lay down the layers. As the materials compost or break down they turn into soft, fluffy soil which allows you to plant easily in the soil next year.

Guide to Lasagna Gardening for Beginners: Pros and Cons (4)

Pros and Cons of Lasagna Gardening

For beginner gardeners, lasagna gardening presents a host of advantages and a few disadvantages. It makes good use of organic material and eliminates the need for heavy tillage or digging.

Pros of Lasagna Gardening

  1. No-Till, No-Dig Convenience: Lasagna gardening’s primary advantage lies in its no-till methods. This spares beginner gardeners from the physically demanding task of tilling or digging.
  2. Soil Enrichment and Nutrient Retention: By layering organic materials, lasagna gardening creates a nutrient-rich environment. This is great if you live in an area with poor soil, but it helps everyone. It provides nutrients for plants but also helps with moisture aeration and overall garden harvest.
  3. Fewer Weeds: Sheet composting acts as a natural weed barrier. Layers of cardboard and other materials reduces the need for serious weeding. If you have kids, ask them for help with weeding and other gardening activities.
  4. Sustainability: Lasagne gardening is essentially a compost pile that you keep adding layers to. Grass clippings, leaves, and food waste that normally goes in the landfill get used in your garden instead.
  5. Low Maintenance: For beginners especially, this method keeps gardening simple and reduces overwhelm. Beginners enjoy the results without feeling like they are drowning in their garden.

Cons of Lasagna Gardening

  1. Decomposition Process is Slow: These heavier layers do take time to make a rich compost. Patience is vital for a lasagna gardener.
  2. Initial Weed Control: While weeds are suppressed, it doesn’t entirely eliminate them. Some weeds still find their way through. Just like most things in life, there is no “magic cure” for a completely weed free garden.
  3. Space: Lasagna gardening uses lots of layers. Eventually, it looks like a raised garden bed. If you have limited room, make sure you add sides to prevent spillage and spread.
  4. Dependence on Available Organic Materials: The success of lasagna gardening relies on access to organic materials like leaves, straw, and kitchen scraps. Will you have access to all the material you need?
  5. Layering Technique: Lasagna gardening is generally considered beginner-friendly, but you do still need to learn how to layer the materials effectively. Decomposition is slowed further if you don’t have the right balance of carbon and nitrogen.
Guide to Lasagna Gardening for Beginners: Pros and Cons (5)

What are Lasagna Gardening Layers?

A lasagna garden bed is essentially a lot of layers of materials including: thick brown materials, thinner green layers, soil, and straw, with a bottom of cardboard or newspapers to keep the weeds from growing. The goal is to create a rich biome full of earthworms and other beneficial creatures to help you in your garden endeavors.

To make lasagna garden beds, use any yard waste or excess you may have. Simply layer them where you want your bed to be.

Don’t have your own materials for your lasagna garden beds? Try this list of places to find lots of mulch for free!

Guide to Lasagna Gardening for Beginners: Pros and Cons (6)

How to Make Lasagna Garden Beds?

  1. Decide on the layout of your garden beds and section them off using boards, rocks, string or the like.
  2. Next, lay black and white newspaper or cardboard down to kill the grass. Overlap the cardboard so weeds can’t sneak through. Water the paper or cardboard well.
  3. Then, add brown materials: peat moss, hay, straw, leaves, pine needles, wood chips, shredded newspaper etc. Brown layers should be dry and bulky. You want a thick layer of brown materials, like 5 inches.
  4. On top of the brown, now add a thin layer of nitrogen materials such as rich greens. Green materials include manure, fruit and vegetable kitchen scraps, animal bedding, grass clippings, coffee grounds etc. Green materials are dense and moist. These materials will work with the brown material to break down into a nutrient rich soil.
  5. Top your beds with 5 inches of garden soil and come spring, you’ll be ready to plant with zero tilling!
  6. After planting, top your bed with 6 inches of straw. This will provide a lovely layer of mulch that will break down and enrich your garden beds even more.

Make sure to water each layer, especially the cardboard before adding another layer. Also, remember to layer a thick brown layer with a thin green layer. Honestly you’re basically composting in the shape of your garden bed. Do not turn or till or dig when you’re building a lasagna gardening bed.

I recommend putting wood chips down on walkways between your beds to keep weeds away. This also adds additional nutrient sources to the top of your bed and prevents walkways from becoming compacted. Add fresh mulch to the walkways in the spring.

When is the best time to start your lasagna garden?

While you can start your lasagna garden any time, you might want to consider the fall. The best way to start a lasagna bed is in the fall when leaves and other dried brown materials are plentiful, but you can start them anytime you want.

If you start in the fall, you may be able to skip step 5 outlined above because your layers will have adequate time in the fall and winter to break down into rich soil before spring planting.

How Do You Use Lasagna Garden Beds

Once the layers have cooked down you will plant into the soil the same as any other soil. You can often begin gardening earlier since it is a raised bed and as such will drain cold spring rains better.

After planting your lasagna gardening bed cover it with dried grass clippings, straw bale or hay. You can even use wood mulch or chips though I prefer them for my walkways if you don’t have easy access to them.

How Long Do Lasagna Garden Beds Last?

Your lasagna gardening beds will last as long as you use them. If you do not use something on the side to help hold the soil up in the raised bed style it will eventually fall into your walkway.

You also do not want to walk on it as if you do it will compress the soil and counteract the whole point of that fluffy soil. Every fall, be sure to add another layer of compost, leaves, straw or hay, to your beds. Doing so will keep the soil rich and fertile and build the soil for successful garden seasons.

Do Lasagna Beds Look Messy?

Some people think lasagna gardening can look unkempt. Often there is hay or straw, some leaves, hanging out of the garden beds.

If you have a Type A personality and want beautifully defined garden beds, build sides to maintain that ‘proper’ edging. Sides are good as they keep your lovely soil exactly where you want it and helps to prevent others from walking through the garden beds.

More Organic Gardening Posts You’ll Love

  • How to Get Stared with Worm Composting
  • How to Keep your Compost Active all Winter
  • 10 Practical Gardening Tips to Help Your Garden Thrive

Have you ever used the Lasagna Gardening Method? If you have what do you think about it?

About Michelle Marine

Michelle Marine is the author of How to Raise Chickens for Meat, a long-time green-living enthusiast, and rural Iowa mom of four. She empowers families to grow and eat seasonal, local foods; to reduce their ecological footprint; and to come together through impactful travel.

Read More About Me

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Insights, advice, suggestions, feedback and comments from experts

Lasagna gardening, also known as sheet composting or no-dig gardening, is a method of organic gardening that involves layering organic materials to create fertile soil without the need for tilling or digging. The concept was popularized in the late 1990s by Patricia Lanza. Lasagna gardening is particularly appealing to beginner gardeners and those looking for a low-maintenance and sustainable gardening approach.

What is Lasagna Gardening?

Lasagna gardening is a no-till, no-dig gardening system that involves layering organic materials to create a nutrient-rich environment for plants. Instead of tilling or digging, the layers of organic materials break down over time, resulting in fluffy, nutrient-rich soil that is ideal for gardening [[1]].

How does Lasagna Gardening Work?

Lasagna gardening works by layering organic materials such as compost, leaves, straw, grass clippings, and kitchen scraps. These materials decompose over time, creating a rich soil that is full of nutrients and beneficial for plant growth. The layers of organic materials also act as a natural weed barrier, reducing the need for extensive weeding [[1]].

Pros and Cons of Lasagna Gardening

Lasagna gardening offers several advantages for gardeners, particularly beginners. Some of the pros of lasagna gardening include:

  • No-Till, No-Dig Convenience: Lasagna gardening eliminates the need for tilling or digging, making it physically less demanding for gardeners [[1]].
  • Soil Enrichment and Nutrient Retention: The layering of organic materials in lasagna gardening creates a nutrient-rich environment that improves soil quality and helps with moisture aeration [[1]].
  • Fewer Weeds: The layers of organic materials act as a natural weed barrier, reducing the need for extensive weeding [[1]].
  • Sustainability: Lasagna gardening allows for the use of organic waste materials such as grass clippings, leaves, and kitchen scraps, reducing landfill waste and providing a sustainable gardening approach [[1]].
  • Low Maintenance: Lasagna gardening simplifies the gardening process, making it more manageable for beginners and reducing the feeling of being overwhelmed [[1]].

However, there are also a few cons to consider:

  • Decomposition Process is Slow: The decomposition process in lasagna gardening takes time, so patience is required to achieve a rich compost [[1]].
  • Initial Weed Control: While lasagna gardening reduces weed growth, it does not entirely eliminate weeds. Some weeds may still find their way through the layers [[1]].
  • Space: Lasagna gardening requires multiple layers, which can result in raised garden beds that take up space. It is important to add sides to prevent spillage and spread if you have limited room [[1]].
  • Dependence on Available Organic Materials: The success of lasagna gardening relies on access to organic materials such as leaves, straw, and kitchen scraps. Availability of these materials may vary depending on location and season [[1]].
  • Layering Technique: While lasagna gardening is generally considered beginner-friendly, it is important to learn how to layer the materials effectively to ensure proper decomposition. The balance of carbon and nitrogen is also crucial for optimal decomposition [[1]].

How to Make Lasagna Garden Beds?

To make lasagna garden beds, you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Decide on the layout of your garden beds and section them off using boards, rocks, string, or similar materials.
  2. Lay black and white newspaper or cardboard down to kill the grass. Overlap the cardboard to prevent weeds from growing through.
  3. Add a thick layer of brown materials such as peat moss, hay, straw, leaves, pine needles, wood chips, or shredded newspaper. These brown layers should be dry and bulky.
  4. On top of the brown layer, add a thin layer of nitrogen materials such as manure, fruit and vegetable kitchen scraps, animal bedding, grass clippings, or coffee grounds. These green materials are dense and moist.
  5. Top the layers with 5 inches of garden soil.
  6. After planting, cover the bed with 6 inches of straw or other mulch to retain moisture and suppress weed growth.
  7. Water each layer, especially the cardboard, before adding another layer.
  8. Avoid turning, tilling, or digging the bed. Instead, let the layers decompose naturally over time.

It is recommended to add wood chips on walkways between the beds to prevent weed growth and add additional nutrients to the top of the bed. Fresh mulch can be added to the walkways in the spring [[1]].

How Long Do Lasagna Garden Beds Last?

The lifespan of lasagna garden beds depends on how they are maintained and used. If the beds are properly cared for and additional layers of compost, leaves, straw, or hay are added each fall, the beds can last indefinitely. Regular maintenance and the addition of organic materials help keep the soil rich and fertile for successful garden seasons [[1]].

Do Lasagna Beds Look Messy?

Some people may find that lasagna gardening beds can look unkempt due to the presence of hay or straw and leaves. If you prefer a more defined and tidy appearance, you can build sides for your garden beds to maintain proper edging. Sides help keep the soil in place and prevent others from walking through the beds [[1]].

In conclusion, lasagna gardening is a popular organic gardening method that offers several advantages, including no-till convenience, soil enrichment, weed reduction, sustainability, and low maintenance. While it may require patience and access to organic materials, lasagna gardening can be a rewarding and effective approach for both beginner and experienced gardeners [[1]].

Guide to Lasagna Gardening for Beginners: Pros and Cons (2024)


What are the cons of lasagna gardening? ›

Slow nutrient return and soil oxygen content: as these heavier lasagna garden layers break down, oxygen levels in the soil can be reduced because they are pretty much suffocated by the multiple layers of material – especially the wet cardboard and newspaper.

What are the benefits of a lasagna garden? ›

The advantages of lasagna gardens are less digging, less weeding and improving the soil at the same time you are planting your garden. Lasagna gardens are full of earthworms because it's basically a compost pile you plant in. And earthworms are great for your soil.

Can you plant immediately in a lasagna garden? ›

If you choose to make a lasagna garden in spring or summer, consider adding more soil-like amendments to the bed, such as peat or topsoil, so you can plant in the garden right away.

How deep should a lasagna garden be? ›

After you have laid the cardboard, you can begin layering your different materials, starting with your browns and then the greens. Repeat this until your bed is 18-32″ deep. Finally, add a 4″ layer of compost or garden soil to the top. Your lasagna bed is finished and is ready for plants!

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It Cooks Unevenly. Most people make such a massive lasagna that there is no way it's cooked evenly. With at least three layers, the whole pile is so dense that even a convention oven cannot handle the mass.

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10 Most Common Lasagna Mistakes

There shouldn't be too much or too little filling. Too much between one layer and another will keep you from ever getting a perfect slice. Too little and all you'll taste is pasta. Do not put large pieces of vegetables or meat in lasagna for the same reason as above.

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Keep Your Lasagna Garden in Tip-Top Shape

As the growing season progresses, continue to follow the 4:1 ratio while adding compostable materials to the top to keep a steady supply of new nutrients coming into your plot. Pull weeds as they appear, and water as needed.

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8. Is lasagne healthy? Lasagne is a classic comfort food, but can be high in saturated fat and salt, because of the bechamel sauce, mince and cheese. A large portion can contain over 1000kcals, which is half of what most of us need in a day.

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“Brown Layer”: The next layer should be 2 to 6 inches of dry leaves, hay, wood chips, sawdust, shredded newspaper, or cardboard.

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Plant this in spring time with bulbs such as gladioli and dahlias!

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It is also sometimes called sheet mulching. While lasagna gardening requires some effort and specific materials, the payoff is bounteous vegetables. And because the method is no till, there's no need to break your back digging up your garden.

How long does lasagna composting take? ›

This is an ideal early-fall technique, so you will have optimal soil by spring. Lasagna composting takes six months or more, so it's not a good strategy if you want to plant soon. This style of composting isn't exactly the most attractive way to compost.

Why put cardboard down before mulch? ›

Using cardboard or newspaper as a natural weed barrier can allow you to kill a very large area of weeds and grass without using any chemicals or herbicides. Cardboard is applied to the area. Then a layer of mulch goes on top of that.

How do you mulch lasagna? ›

Cover the ground with 4 to 6 overlapping layers of newspaper or cardboard. This carbon material smothers the grass and weeds underneath by preventing light from allowing photosynthesis of the plants. Wet the newspaper or cardboard thoroughly and cover with a 1-inch layer of a nitrogen source such as manure.

Can you put dirt over mulch? ›

My garden needs dirt. Right now it has mulch in it. Can I just put dirt over the mulch and then later add more mulch? You definitely can and should put a new layer of mulch over the old mulch.

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What are the Disadvantages of Using Grow Bags? They can dry out quickly, especially in hot weather, requiring more frequent watering. They may not be suitable for plants that require deep soil. Growbags can be easily punctured or torn, which can cause soil to spill out.

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3. Limited Plant Selection: Smart gardens are designed to grow certain types of plants, and not all plants are suitable for hydroponic systems. Most smart gardens systems also sell pods with seeds in them. Their websites will say you can't use other seeds, but you can.

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What Makes Lasagna Unhealthy? Various ingredients make the lasagna unhealthy, such as the following: Cheese, Pasta, and Rich Sauces. Calories and Carbs.


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