Gardening for Dummies: Companion Planting {Free Printable} (2024)

Published: by Heidi Fowler. This post may contain affiliate links 90 Comments

SPRING is here (in my neck of the woods), and it's time to get the garden ready! I am on year four of my desert garden adventure, and things just keep getting better! Now that I have learned (through trial and error) what grows well in the desert, I'm ready to focus on what plants help each other in the garden. Want to learn, too? I thought you might!

Instead of just randomly placing my plants in the garden (which I have done in the past), I decided to find out which plants should and should not go together. I found a fantastic resource at, but I can't link you there because the page no longer exists.

I had a really hard time keeping track of the twenty-four different plants I want to include in my garden. To keep it all straight, I created this companion planting chart and planned my square foot garden boxes based the chart. I hope it helps you decide what to plant as well.

It's pretty simple: Green means GO, and red means STOP! If the chart says green, the plants work well together. If the chart says red, the plants don't work well together. Easy peasy! (Now's the time where my dad pipes in and explains that charts can't really talk. Thanks, Dad.)

I also found great info about plants that repel garden bugs. I created a chart for that, too!

You can download both charts here. (It's a single page printable.)

Planning the Garden--What to Plant Together

If the plant you are looking for is not listed, check out the website above. I did not include all of the plants listed on the website.

Interested in more garden posts? I have more coming. In the meantime, check these out:

DIY Watering Can from Milk Jug

Gardening for Dummies (and I'm the Dummy) Silly but Important Tips for the Beginning Gardener

DIY Garden Trellis


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Gardening for Dummies: Companion Planting {Free Printable} (17)

About Heidi

Hi! I’m Heidi, the sometimes scatterbrained, but always creative mind behind One Creative Mommy. I'm a retired teacher, wife, and mom of three beautiful teenage girls and one adorable fur baby. In my spare time, I love to share my ideas (mistakes and all) with anyone who will listen.

Learn more about me →


    • Allyson

      Thanks for coming by my Thursday Link up Party to share this! Hope to see you again this week!


  1. Joyce

    This is awesome you did for me what i was wanting to do!!! Followed you here from the Show Me What You Got Link Up.


  2. Meg @ Sweet Twist

    Love the chart and tips. I am definitely a dummy when it comes to gardening. I will be using this for sure.


  3. Tried&Twisted

    Very useful! Thanks for sharing. I may have to pin this so I can remember this while planting.


  4. Tammy Northrup {Yours and Mine ARE Ours}

    Heidi thanks for the great post! The companion planting guide is a huge help! It's been in the 30's here and a snow storm is on the way for Sunday. I can't wait for warm weather so that we can get out in the yard.


  5. Tumbleweed Contessa

    I am so ready to garden! This is just the perfect thing to kick things off. Thanks for sharing at What'd You Do This Weekend?.


  6. Ruth

    Thanks so much for all the great gardening ideas I've found on your blog today! I've been pinning like crazy.

    Companion Planting: How close do the plants need to be in order to get the benefits? (Or how far do they need to be from each other to avoid the negative effects?) I just have a 4x4 square, with some additional vertical plants on one side. Is my garden too small to worry about companions?

    Thanks so much!


    • Heidi Fowler

      I replied to Ruth via email, but I thought you all might like to hear the answer. I am not a gardening expert. I learn more and more every year, but I don't know enough yet to answer this question. I suggested that Ruth visit or call her local nursery to find the answer.

      As for me, I think no garden is too small to worry about companion planting--especially things that should not be planted close together.


  7. Sue L

    Great chart and great idea. There are a couple of errors on the chart though, in case you want to fix them. If you follow chives on the left to peppers on the top and then go the other way peppers on the left to chives along the top, it is not the same color code. Also if you do the same for squash to broccoli and squash to cauliflower and then the opposite way. If you fold the page up the diagonal, the pattern should be exactly the same. The lady that first noticed on facebook said there are some "good" combos that don't match as well.

    It's a great idea and great resource so thought I would share the difference in case you wanted to fix the chart.


  8. Jennifer

    You are a genius! Last year I tried to come up with a chart to easily see what plants to put together and it just ended up a confusing mess. This is amazing and so simple. Thank you!


  9. Cesar

    Thanks a lot! Really useful info!


  10. Janet

    Thanks so much, this is so helpful!


  11. Valerie

    Wow! just what I was looking for-- Thanks for all your hard work!


  12. Tracy Ewens

    So I am kind of new to gardening. Why cant I plant beans with onions or peppers? I did both without knowing any different. So far so good but what is gonna happen?


  13. Rachel Ford

    Hi Heidi! I couldn't leave without saying thank you for all the work you put into creating this wonderful resource! I am a volunteer for our local school garden and I will definitely be sharing your post with our teachers. I'm also a blogger, although I haven't been writing much lately, and I have a half-done post on Square Foot Gardening that I would love to link to your post as well when I finally get it done. (Moving from Michigan to SoCal has made it a bit hard to finish... I miss my garden!)


    • Heidi Fowler

      That is so sweet of you to say, Rachel! I'd love to see your square foot gardening post. I'm afraid that I spent too much time blogging and not enough time tending the garden this summer. Most plants did okay, but I had some totally fail because I let the bugs get them! I'll do better next summer!

      I'm off to check out your site. Thanks again for leaving such an encouraging comment!


  14. Erika

    Thank you so much for taking the time to make these fabulous charts and for sharing them! Charts do talk to me lol


  15. Rebecca

    Thank you so much for posting this! I have been reading about companion planting and trying to keep everything straight, but this chart makes it so much easier. Thanks for putting the work into it and sharing it!


    • Heidi

      You're welcome, Rebecca. That's exactly why I made it. I was having the same problem. It can get so confusing!


  16. LouAnne

    Thank you so much! I've been reading so many differet books and ideas that I need to simplify - as your chart does. (y)


    • Heidi Fowler

      Thanks, LouAnne! Good luck with your garden.


  17. lisa

    That is really impressive, you did a really good job. I think gardens are fantastic, there is nothing like growing your own fresh veggies and herbs.


    • Heidi@OneCreativeMommy

      Thanks, Lisa. I totally agree. I love to watch everything grow!


  18. Heather

    I love this DIY water can you shared. I am going to make one for my daughter!


    • Heidi@OneCreativeMommy

      Thanks, Heather! Have fun with it! I think it's been two years since we made ours. After finishing the gallon of milk this morning, my six-year-old announced that it is time to make one again!


  19. Emily

    WOW! I really could have used this last year before I killed all of my plants! Pinning for this year and crossing fingers for success!


  20. Elisebet F

    Oh wow, this is really helpful! I had a little balcony garden last year, and some of my plants didn't do that well. I think I'll probably stick to herbs this year, because we'll be moving late spring/early summer, and those will be easier to move to our new home.


    • Heidi Fowler

      That's smart of you, Elisebet. Herb gardens are great. Every little bit helps! Good luck with your move.


  21. Heather

    Oh how I love gardening posts! That DIY watering can is hilarious and genius at the same time. I'm going to try some of these ideas.


    • Heidi Fowler

      Funny, isn't it? My youngest is always trying to save milk jugs so that she can make more!


  22. Clare

    This is brilliant! We sprinkled a packed of wildflower seeds in our garden last year and they completely took over the place. We just spent a day pulling them all up and now I need to find something else to plant in the beds. I'll be studying this chart later!


    • Heidi

      Good luck with the garden, Clare. I hope this helps!


  23. Jennifer at Making Our Life Matter

    I don't have a big space to garden, plus I have a black thumb. But this is great for all those that do garden. Thanks for sharing it!


    • Heidi Fowler

      Black thumbs can turn green with practice, Jennifer! Believe me. I know from experience!


  24. krystalskitsch

    This is so helpful! I have the space to garden but not the time. I need to step it up!


    • Heidi Fowler

      Lucky you to have the space, Krystal! The time will come someday.


  25. Thom Foote

    Do not believe every one of these charts. For example, this show that peas and beans (nitrogen fixers) are good companions for strawberries. However, strawberries are light feeders during the season. If they get too much nitrogen, they produce too much foliage which shades the fruit and results in less, and less sweet, fruit. We need to use our common sense about this.


  26. Lovinfood

    I have found that planting twigs of Rosemary around other plants helps to keep the squirrels (and my dog) away.


    • Heidi

      Thanks for sharing your tip, LovinFood!


  27. Kate

    I can confirm that dill does NOT repel aphids. The worst garden aphid infestation I've ever experienced was when I planted dill. They were sucking the life out of it. But then the ladybug larvae showed up and decimated the aphids! I guess how dill works as a companion plant is that it attracts aphids to itself and hopefully they don't notice the rest of the plants? LOL.


    • Heidi

      Thanks for sharing, Kate. All of my research shows that dill repels aphids, but I have not tested that particular tip. Thanks for sharing your experience


  28. Diane

    Love this, simple and straightforward. Just like I need it LOL


    • Heidi

      Thanks, Diane. That's how I like it, too. I was going crazy reading through lists and trying to cross reference it all!


  29. Laura J

    Oh boy...I got some rearranging to do! :) I just do the container easy to move containers around...but wow....seems like everyone doesnt like someone! Haha...this is going to be like musical chairs! :) Thank you for the fantastic info!!!





  31. Evie Watson

    Thanks for the printable! Companion planting is of a great help to people who want to discourage harmful pests without losing the beneficial allies. I started last year with planting a Three Sisters garden and then came the idea of companion planting. I think that was the best choice I've made for my garden. Greets!


  32. Mandy

    I love this! Thanks - I pinned it for all of my gardening friends to see because it is the nicest chart I have come across!


  33. Rhea

    This is so helpful! thank you. I went to your website and searched Celery and Beets, no luck. Any info for what to plant these next to or not?


    • Heidi

      Sorry, Rhea, I don't have any experience growing celery or beets. I would suggest googling it. Good luck with your garden!


  34. Paramvir Singh

    This is awesome article.I am reading your Blog posts daily.I have also subscribed to your Rss feed.


  35. jason

    I like your article very much because you have posted on a very important thing i see people posting on technology , gadgets and many more things but i love articles like this who always strive to aware people regarding to the care of environment . i think everyone should try gardening as plant as many as trees they can because now a days people look to the cut the plant more rather then growing them ... kudos to you !


  36. emma woski

    An initative taken by you is commendable,it is trying to make people aware about the necessity of environment and its ways in which care can be taken of..!!! keep sharing more such encouraging posts!!


  37. Rally

    Very, very helpful resources, Heidi! I love when the things are so clear and easy to follow! Thank you!


  38. Susan

    Thank you! SO helpful!!


  39. Natali

    Currently putting together my garden journal and planning for next season so this will hopefully be a great help :)


  40. Margot

    What does the white part mean? Great Chart!


    • Heidi

      Hi, Margot. If the square is white, there is no benefit or problem to plant them together. They are fine to plant together, but they don’t help each other. Good luck with your garden. 😊


  41. Nataliya

    Thank you for the wonderful chart! :)


    • Heidi

      You’re welcome, Nataliya. Happy gardening!


  42. Rachel Waegerle

    Thank you for this! Even better than what I was searching for!


  43. Natalie

    Thank you! I LOVE you! Exactly what I would have made for myself if I hadn't found yours right away. You saved me the headache of re-researching (what I've already read and lost the link to).


  44. Tracey

    Just wanted to let you know I appreciate this! Thank you!!


    • Heidi

      I’m so glad, Tracey! I hope your garden turns out very well.


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Insights, advice, suggestions, feedback and comments from experts

About Companion Planting and Garden Planning

Companion planting is a gardening practice where different plants are grown in close proximity to each other for mutual benefit. This can include pest control, pollination, providing nutrients, and more. It's a method that has been used for centuries and is based on the idea that certain plants can help each other when grown together, while others can be detrimental to each other's growth.

Companion Planting Chart and Garden Planning

Heidi Fowler, the author of the blog post, has created a companion planting chart to help with garden planning. The chart uses a color-coding system where green means the plants work well together, and red means they do not. The chart is designed to make it easy to decide what to plant together and avoid potential issues.

Planting Guides and Resources

Heidi Fowler mentions using a resource from for information on companion planting. Additionally, she has created a chart for plants that repel garden bugs. These resources are aimed at providing practical information for gardeners to make informed decisions about what to plant together and how to manage pests in the garden.

Community Engagement

Heidi Fowler's blog post has received numerous comments from readers expressing gratitude for the helpful information and sharing their own experiences and tips related to gardening. This indicates a strong community engagement and a shared interest in gardening and companion planting.


Heidi Fowler's blog post provides valuable insights into companion planting and garden planning, offering practical resources and engaging with a community of gardening enthusiasts. The use of color-coded charts and the sharing of personal experiences demonstrate a hands-on approach to gardening and a commitment to sharing knowledge with others.

Gardening for Dummies: Companion Planting {Free Printable} (2024)


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Author: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

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Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.