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  • #1Sep 30, 2010



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    • Zombie Killer
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    Only attempt this fix if updating your graphics drivers has failed.

    This is the fix that worked for me.

    Mkay I know alot of people have this problem. It may not look exactly like this but the main issue is "failed to find an accelerated OpenGL mode"

    Example Error

    Bad video card drivers!-----------------------Minecraft was unable to start because it failed to find an accelerated OpenGL mode.This can usually be fixed by updating the video card drivers.--- BEGIN ERROR REPORT 7fe0271 --------Generated 30-9-10 0:01Minecraft: Minecraft Alpha v1.1.2_01OS: Windows Vista (x86) version 6.0Java: 1.6.0_21, Sun Microsystems Inc.VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (mixed mode, sharing), Sun Microsystems Inc.LWJGL: 2.4.2[failed to get system properties (java.lang.NullPointerException)]org.lwjgl.LWJGLException: Pixel format not acceleratedat org.lwjgl.opengl.WindowsPeerInfo.nChoosePixelFormat(Native Method)at org.lwjgl.opengl.WindowsPeerInfo.choosePixelFormat( org.lwjgl.opengl.WindowsDisplay.createWindow( org.lwjgl.opengl.Display.createWindow( org.lwjgl.opengl.Display.create( org.lwjgl.opengl.Display.create( org.lwjgl.opengl.Display.create( net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.a(SourceFile:196)at Source)--- END ERROR REPORT 6e25d0ea ----------

    Before attempting this fix you need to have gone STEP BY STEP through this thread

    If your drivers are updated and you still have the problem then read on.

    Disclaimer- In this I will be having you delete registry keys. This is at your own risk. i am not responsible if you **** your computer. Please backup before you edit anything!

    *Note- Do not attempt this fix if your graphics card is onboard.

    Step One- Confirm your Error

    In order for the fix to work you need to know this is the correct problem.
    So visit

    Download and install the openGL version viewer.

    Now run it and navigate to the "Summary" Tab"
    Failed to Find Accelerated OpenGL Mode[Problem Solved][Fix] - Legacy Support - Archive - Minecraft Forum (2)

    Now next to Renderer if it says GDI Generic then you have found your problem

    Step Two- The Solution

    Heres whats going on.
    You may have updated your drivers but windows is still reading the old OpenGL driver. To fix this you must remove the old one and make windows find the new one.

    So lets solve this

    1- Backup your registry NOW

    2- Make sure you are not using an onboard graphics card.
    Rough Guide

    1. Click "Start," then "All Programs," then "Accessories." Click "Run."2. Type "devmgmt.msc" in the text field. Click "OK" to open Device Manager. If a User Account Control window appears asking for your permission to continue, click "Continue."3. Click the plus sign located next to "Display Adapters" to find the name of your graphics card. If there is more than one driver displayed, it's possible that you have both a graphics card installed to one of the expansion slots on your computer and an onboard graphics card installed to your motherboard itself.

    Please remember the name of your onboard card
    you will need it later. Your onboard card should be the one on top.

    3- Click "Start" then "Run" and type "regedit" and hit enter.
    Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/"Your Onboard card name"


    4- Delete them. Delete the whole damn file. Kill all of your onboard drivers. Then reboot.

    (If you onboard and ofboard card have the same maker only delete the file with the onboard in it)
    5- Run the openGL version viewer again and it should now say something different besides 'GDI Genric"

    And there you go please enjoy. if anything detrimental happened to your computer please use that registry backup I had you create.

  • #4Oct 8, 2010



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    Because Windows for some reason will sometimes refuse to drop the old Open GL driver and you need to help it out. By removing the old one you are forcing Windows to find your new one.

    Quote from Poohbear »

    My appologies for the post but i rally want to play minecraft.
    i have the error: org.lwjgl.LWJGL.Exception: pixel format not accelerated.
    after some searching i found out it is a driver problem.
    i have a ATI Mobility Radeon x1400 the i checked for updates on the ati radeon site.
    they sent me to the manufacturer's site and according to that site i got the latest driver.
    after that i checked if it was the opengl 2.0 problem with the opengl extensions checker.
    this said i was using generic gdi and version 1.1.

    now my question is does this also work for your laptop?

    I have no idea.....try it and find out =/

  • #5Oct 8, 2010



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    Holy you were so right about the drivers, I have an Nvidia 7950 gt and I had updated them to the latest ones 259.31 and when I checked in the device manager the driver date said 2008! I am going to see if deleting the old one will fix it *fingers crossed* haha

    My art blog

  • #6Oct 11, 2010



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    Please post back with the results.

  • #7Oct 11, 2010



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    EDIT: **Minecraft works now**. I found and deleted the "ASUS Enhanced Display Driver". Rebooted, and WinXP now sees OpenGL 3.3. :biggrin.gif:

    I will try this. I'm having the same OpenGL 1.1 bug too. 9600GT card here on WinXP32.

    Edit: Still getting OpenGL 1.1 here after deleting the registry keys in [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\NVIDIA Corporation]. I even tried deleting the
    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\OpenGLDrivers] branch as i saw these entries in there:

    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\OpenGLDrivers\ATKOGL]

    After deleting the keys, uninstalling the drivers, and rebooting, then reinstalling. Sure enough, the following entries came back:

    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\OpenGLDrivers\RIVATNT]

    Have not tried deleting the INTEL keys though, as i'm pretty sure my motherboard doesn't support any onboard graphics.

  • #8Oct 12, 2010



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    you said several times not to do this if using an on-board graphics card, so two questions
    1. why?
    2. if i shouldnt do this fix, what other ways are there to fixing this?

  • #9Oct 15, 2010



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    I went through all of your steps and deleted the ATI onboard video card files in the registry. My PCIex video card is an Nvidia Geforce gt220 and the drivers were up to date but i tried reinstalling them to make sure. i checked the opengl version and it is still saying 1.1 for some reason even though my card can handle up to 3.3. please help.

  • #10Oct 20, 2010



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    Make sure they all got deleted.

  • #12Oct 20, 2010



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    I was able to find every thing exactly as you listed them but when i deleted the folder and rebooted, nothing had changed except now the folder is gone. I cant re-delete becuase its not there, but it also didnt change anything.
    thanks for all this though

    Turns out i needed to update my entire PC. after i did that, took about 30 minutes, I was able to run the game.

    Thanks to everyone who posted about how they fixed thier problem and to OP.

    This thread is now Failed to Find Accelerated OpenGL Mode[Problem Solved][Fix] - Legacy Support - Archive - Minecraft Forum (11) Failed to Find Accelerated OpenGL Mode[Problem Solved][Fix] - Legacy Support - Archive - Minecraft Forum (12) Failed to Find Accelerated OpenGL Mode[Problem Solved][Fix] - Legacy Support - Archive - Minecraft Forum (13) Failed to Find Accelerated OpenGL Mode[Problem Solved][Fix] - Legacy Support - Archive - Minecraft Forum (14)

  • #13Oct 20, 2010



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    Umm mine doesnt say GD Generic. It says Intel(R)965 Chipset Accelerator :tongue.gif: so i did not find my problem. any suggestions?

  • #14Oct 22, 2010



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    Problem resolved, Don't try to run over remote desktop! :smile.gif:

  • #17Oct 23, 2010



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    @PolakXXL: Me too dude. mine says the exact same. :tongue.gif: and for somereason /the program doesnt show the type of openGl i have

  • #18Oct 23, 2010



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    Quote from PolakXXL »

    My open Gl version is 1.5
    What one i need?

    i believe that you need atleast version 2 to run minecraft from your pc
    although, i heard you can do a different fix if its above 1.4....

    ill search around for what i found as the temp fix, but getting the updated version of GL is probs your best fix

  • #19Oct 23, 2010



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    I just want to add some extra steps to your procedure in the original post.

    I used the procedure unsuccessfully, it seemed that no matter what version of the ATI graphics driver I installed, my openGL version was always 1.1. I tried the registry changes as well as deleting the ATI folders in the C:/ and program files.

    I have an HP laptop with ATI radeon graphics card, this may be a unique issue to this combination but it may work with other combos as well (i.e. Toshiba, NVIDIA, etc)

    Here's what I did BEFORE DOING THE ABOVE PROCEDURE to get it working:

    1. Download the latest ATI catalyst driver (this might work with NVIDIA's equivalent driver as well, haven't tested it)
    2. Find where the setup files are unzipped, for ATI it's at C:\ATI\SUPPORT\10-10_vista64_win7_64_dd_ccc_ocl (or whatever driver you have)
    3. Copy the contents of this folder, then go to C:\SWSETUP\DRIVERS\VIDEO and delete the contents of this folder, replacing them with your pasted files. NOTE: This is where the folder is for HP computers, other brands may have them in a different folder. The important thing to know is that this is the folder where all the factory default drivers are located.
    4. Go to C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32 and scroll down to the ATI files, there will be a whole bunch of them. Move these to a safe place in your desktop, DO NOT DELETE BECAUSE I AM NOT 100% SURE THESE ARE ACTUALLY ATI GRAPHICS FILES. The goal is just to take them out of the system folder.
    5. Now uninstall your current graphics driver, delete the registry values, and program files as per above procedure
    6. Reboot computer, once loaded back up windows should attempt to locate a driver for the now non-existant graphics driver. Let it finish, but just to be safe install the driver you got from step 1 again. Reboot.

    My theory is that as soon as you uninstall the graphics driver, windows automatically searches for a driver to reinstall, first looking in the factory-default SWSETUP folder. This driver is badly outdated. However, for some stupid reason attempting to install/update a new driver never seems to work properly. So this will trick windows to start fresh with the most updated driver.

  • #20Oct 23, 2010



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    I assume you're screwed if you only have one video card driver?

  • #23Nov 5, 2010



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    When I try to run the OpenGl Extensions Viewer, it gives me this error:

    System.AccessViolationException: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is openglex.Win32.oevClientInitialize()at openglex.oevDetect.backgroundWorker1_DoWork(Object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)

    Any idea why?

  • #24Nov 24, 2010



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    Quote from Jackler »

    EDIT: **Minecraft works now**. I found and deleted the "ASUS Enhanced Display Driver". Rebooted, and WinXP now sees OpenGL 3.3. :biggrin.gif:

    I will try this. I'm having the same OpenGL 1.1 bug too. 9600GT card here on WinXP32.

    Edit: Still getting OpenGL 1.1 here after deleting the registry keys in [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\NVIDIA Corporation]. I even tried deleting the
    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\OpenGLDrivers] branch as i saw these entries in there:

    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\OpenGLDrivers\ATKOGL]

    After deleting the keys, uninstalling the drivers, and rebooting, then reinstalling. Sure enough, the following entries came back:

    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\OpenGLDrivers\RIVATNT]

    Have not tried deleting the INTEL keys though, as i'm pretty sure my motherboard doesn't support any onboard graphics.

    Im not having any luck at all, I've deleted the reg entries for [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\NVIDIA Corporation] and even deleted the "ASUS Enhanced Display Driver" in regedit.

    no luck, still shows generic 1.1

  • #25Nov 25, 2010



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  • #32Mar 12, 2011



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    I did this and it still doesnt work

  • #35Apr 8, 2011



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    Quote from Ainell »

    Same problem, GDI Generic, OpenGL v1.1 listed in the viewer thingie, etc. The registry tampering was unsuccessful though, it still said 1.1.

    (And yes I have the latest drivers for my GeForce GT240)

    The "ASUS Enhanced Display Driver" does show up in my add/remove programs thingie, but when I click on remove... well, nothing happens. The button press animation thingie happens etc, but it's not actually removed from the list. Any tips on other ways to get rid of it?

    i have the same thing except your post was made in the past! did you fix it?

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