DIY Flower Crown Bar — Gathered Living (2024)

DIY Flower Crown Bar — Gathered Living (1)

photos by Kirstie Dunston Photography

A few weekends ago, a group of Lexington bloggers gathered together for the most magical collaboration brunch ever at The Barn at Springhouse Gardens, right outside of Lexington. Every detail turned out perfect thanks to the unique talents of everyone involved who contributed to the day whether it be with decor, food, gift bags, or music. Each of us will be sharing different details of the brunch this week with our own recipes, DIY's, or guides to go along with them! I was in charge of styling and putting together a mimosa bar (more on that Wednesday) as well as a flower crown bar for the event.

DIY Flower Crown Bar — Gathered Living (2)

Luckily I had a little experience with flower crown bars from a precious shower I had hosted, so I was happy to pull something similar together again. This time I used all fresh flowers (generously donated by the Lexington Whole Foods!) and I loved the finished product even more! This activity is super easy to prepare for, and is perfect for any size crowd and a variety of ages. With just a little bit of guidance, all your guests can sit back and get creative with their flower crowns and really make them unique!

DIY Flower Crown Bar — Gathered Living (3)

Since I knew we would have a little over 20 people, I got several sets of all the necessary supplies for flower crown making. I grabbed all the scissors I could find at my house, as well as extra wire cutters while at the craft store. This helps the process to go smoothly and everyone can share supplies, but there's still enough that no one is sitting around waiting for too long. While I used the skinnier floral wire last time I prepared a flower crown station, this time I opted for the thicker grapevine wire and I thought it worked much better and created a sturdier base that was easier to work with.

When picking out your flowers- remember that smaller blooms are much easier to work with and generally look better in flower crowns. Filler florals like baby's breath and eucalyptus or greenery pieces are also perfect for create a base before adding blooms and bigger flowers. I've rounded up a full shopping list for you to use below with some links to the exact items I purchased from Hobby Lobby too!

DIY Flower Crown Bar — Gathered Living (5)


Wire cutters (like these)

Rolls of grapevine wire or floral wire

Rolls of floral tape

Fresh or faux flowers and greenery (smaller blooms work best!)

Containers, vases, or jars to hold/organize flowers

Sign, letterboard(pink available in-stores), or chalkboard

DIY Flower Crown Bar — Gathered Living (6)

As far as styling your flower crown bar, I like to use a mix of vintage containers, vases, and jars to organize the flowers and supplies. I opted for a bunch of brass planters mixed with mason jars and white vases for this boho themed brunch. I also created different heights for the containers by using pedestals underneath some for stacking. I separated all the flowers and trimmed the stems down so that they fit neatly into each container. Finally a sign is always cute for defining the area and giving guests a little direction to get started on their own! You can use a small chalkboard, sign, or letterboard for this (my pink letterboard is from Hobby Lobby- similar here but the pink is only available in stores for now).

DIY Flower Crown Bar — Gathered Living (7)

When it's time to guide your guests through the flower crown making, I've listed some easy instructions to follow below along with some step-by-step photo guides. Encourage your guests to try on their flower crown throughout the process to check the fit and make sure they like the placement of the flowers. Remember nothing is permanent and it's easy to pull off or remove any additions you might not like! Wrapping the stems well and pulling the floral tape as tight as you can will ensure the most comfortable and secure finish. The longer you leave the stems, the more wrapping you will have to do, so I recommend trimming them down to just 2 or 3 inches.

DIY Flower Crown Bar — Gathered Living (8)

1. Start by making a loop using floral wire or grapevine wire that is just a little larger than your head.

2. Choose your flowers and trim the stems so that they are only 2-3 inches long.

3. Secure each flower to your loop base by wrapping the stem tightly with floral tape.

4. Continue layering flowers on your loop until you have filled your crown (you can fill it all the way around or just in front).

5. Click on either tutorial or photo (above + below) for more photos and tips on assembling your flower crown!

I loved getting to see how unique everyone's flower crowns turned out and they were the perfect accessory for our group photos! This is such a fun activity to kick off any gathering you might be planning, whether it be a baby shower, birthday party, bridal shower, or summer party! It is so easy to pull together and even provides your guests with a custom party favor that they can take home with them! Stay tuned for the rest of my blogger brunch wrap-up, including more details on my DIY mimosa bar!



DIY Flower Crown Bar — Gathered Living (11)

DIY Flower Crown Bar — Gathered Living (12)

DIY Flower Crown Bar — Gathered Living (13)

DIY Flower Crown Bar — Gathered Living (14)

DIY Flower Crown Bar — Gathered Living (15)

DIY Flower Crown Bar — Gathered Living (16)

DIY Flower Crown Bar — Gathered Living (2024)


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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

Phone: +96313309894162

Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.