16 Delicious Plantain Recipes That Will Make Your Life Better (2024)

    All hail the mighty plátano.

    by Greta AlvarezBuzzFeed Staff, Español

    This post comes from our BuzzFeed Español team--the totally delicious recipes below are in Spanish.

    1. Plantain lasagna, pure Caribbean tastiness.

    16 Delicious Plantain Recipes That Will Make Your Life Better (2)

    Jeannette Quñones-Cantore / Via sazonboricua.com

    Also called pastelón in Puerto Rico, this recipe will make you smile with pure happiness. Making it is very similar to conventional lasagna, but with flattened plantains instead of pasta.

    Here's how to make one of the many versions of this delight.

    2. This plantain hamburger will make you never want to eat bread again.

    16 Delicious Plantain Recipes That Will Make Your Life Better (3)


    Life is too short to live without switching hamburguer buns for plantains. If you haven't yet, run to the kitchen because this promises almost eternal happiness. Follow the very simple recipe here.

    3. A one-bite plantain appetizer, ideal to impress your guests.

    16 Delicious Plantain Recipes That Will Make Your Life Better (4)


    This snack will leave you asking for more. You'll only need white rice, shrimp, bananas and GUACAMOLE. Don't wait; make this recipe following the instructions here.

    4. "Canoes" stuffed with ground beef, cheese and other delicious things.

    16 Delicious Plantain Recipes That Will Make Your Life Better (5)


    16 Delicious Plantain Recipes That Will Make Your Life Better (6)


    Traditionally in this recipe the plantains are deep-fried, cut in half, stuffed with ground beef and put in the oven until the cheese is melted. However, if you want to reduce the calories, you can just bake them. For either method, here is the classic recipe.

    5. An irresistible plantain ceviche.

    16 Delicious Plantain Recipes That Will Make Your Life Better (7)


    However you serve it, ceviche is a versatile dish that's very easy to make. If you've never heard of banana ceviche, it's not too late to be happy: Here's the recipe.

    6. Ripe plantain fritters, from Colombia to your kitchen.

    16 Delicious Plantain Recipes That Will Make Your Life Better (8)

    16 Delicious Plantain Recipes That Will Make Your Life Better (9)


    This recipe is typical of Valle del Cauca, Colombia, and once you try it you'll want to make it even more often than Colombians do. Follow these steps and get ready to eat something that will change your existence.

    7. Delicious plantain baskets with different fillings.

    16 Delicious Plantain Recipes That Will Make Your Life Better (10)

    16 Delicious Plantain Recipes That Will Make Your Life Better (11)


    Fallen from heaven, directly to your plate. You can fill these baskets with your favorite fillings: guacamole, cheese, grains, or a delicious Venezuelan guasacaca (avocado salsa) like in this recipe.

    8. Give your life some meaning with these plantain empanadas.

    16 Delicious Plantain Recipes That Will Make Your Life Better (12)

    16 Delicious Plantain Recipes That Will Make Your Life Better (13)


    It's very normal that you desperately want to eat these. To make your dreams come true, here is a recipe that takes less than an hour to make.

    9. Plantain cake with guava paste and cheese.

    16 Delicious Plantain Recipes That Will Make Your Life Better (14)

    16 Delicious Plantain Recipes That Will Make Your Life Better (15)


    Love at first sight, and eternal love at first bite. Try this sweet, tender dish here. If you don't like guava, use Nutella; no one will complain.

    10. Learn to make a classic Zulian patacón (plantain sandwich).

    16 Delicious Plantain Recipes That Will Make Your Life Better (16)


    The cuisine of Zulia, in Venezuela, is full of marvels, and their patacones are unequaled. You can fill the crispy plantain pieces with beef, chicken or even shredded turkey — the important thing is that you're happy. Get a detailed recipe here.

    11. The open-face, Colombian version of fried plantains is just as tasty...and involves guacamole.

    16 Delicious Plantain Recipes That Will Make Your Life Better (17)


    First make the patacones with this recipe, and then get instructions for the toppings here.

    12. Try this unique plantain puree, called mangú.

    16 Delicious Plantain Recipes That Will Make Your Life Better (18)


    This authentic Dominican recipe has to be topped fresh, finely chopped onions. Its preparation is very similar to mashed potatoes, only that instead of butter you use olive oil. Get detailed instructions here.

    13. Or how about mashed eggplant and plantain?

    16 Delicious Plantain Recipes That Will Make Your Life Better (19)


    The vegetables are roasted, then mashed and mixed together with garlic, onion, tomato, salt and cheese. After that, you sauté it all for a bit and there you have it: your new BFF for life. Step by step here.

    14. Ripe plantain and cheese cake.

    16 Delicious Plantain Recipes That Will Make Your Life Better (20)

    16 Delicious Plantain Recipes That Will Make Your Life Better (21)


    This cake made with ripe plantains (maduros) is amazingly easy and delicious.You just take five bananas, boil them, mash them and then mix with cinnamon, brown sugar, eggs, butter, vanilla, mozzarella cheese and a little bit of milk. Then you bake it for 50 minutes — that's it, nothing more. Get the recipe here.

    15. Shredded fried plantains, the ideal substitute for French fries.

    16 Delicious Plantain Recipes That Will Make Your Life Better (22)

    16 Delicious Plantain Recipes That Will Make Your Life Better (23)


    What happens when you grate a plantain and fry it? Arañitas — which is what Puerto Ricans call this dish, seasoned with garlic and pepper. Get the recipe here.

    16. Plantain rolls with ham and cheese.

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    16 Delicious Plantain Recipes That Will Make Your Life Better (25)


    Simple, delicious, and very cute, this snack's official name is piononos. To make, you slice the plantain thinly, roll it with a thin slice of ham and another one of cheese. Then you just put it in the oven for 10-15 minutes. Get the incredibly tasty recipe here.

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    16 Delicious Plantain Recipes That Will Make Your Life Better (2024)


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